Chapter 5 ~ Rough Day

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Wednesday 6:12 AM
The following day you woke up still in Derek's place, then you looked around and realized Tom was next to you. He was still asleep. You slowly got up and walked outside, sitting on the steps.
Y/N: so it wasn't a dream.
Just as you said that, Derek walked up the steps.
Derek: you're still here?
He sits next to you.
Y/N: I fell asleep on your couch, sorry.
Derek: it's okay.
Y/N: so, how was your night with Lyra?
You had the biggest grin on his face.
Derek: it was great.
Y/N: just great?
Derek: she asked me out for a proper date; of course, I nervously said yes.
You pat him on the back.
Y/N: promise me I'll be the best man at the wedding.
The both of you laugh.
Derek: So you and Isaac?
Y/N: he invited me to one of his shows.
Derek: are you going to go?
Y/N: if I'm not busy.
Then the front door opens.
Tom: Morning.
Tom yawns and sits next to you.
Tom: What are you two talking about?
Derek: Y/N going on a date this weekend.
Y/N: Derek!
Derek: sorry, I'm just going to go.
Derek quickly ran inside.
Tom: a date, huh?
Y/N: it's not a day. It's just a friend who is going to be doing some dancing.
Tom: Well, if it's not a date, then you wouldn't mind if I came along.
Y/N: sure, here, give me your phone. I'll give you my number.
He passes you his phone, and you enter your number and then gave it back to him.
Tom: well, I have to get my car from the bakery, but I'll see you at work.
Tom gets up, and you both wave goodbye to each other.
8:37 AM
You made it into work just fine, no traffic or anything, straight to work until your boss called you into his office.
Boss: Y/N, my favorite employee!
Y/N: hello, sir.
Boss: here, take a seat.
You sit down with him.
Boss: so how's my boy Thomas doing?
Y/N: He's good, I think.
Boss: I called him yesterday, and he sounded like he was at a party.
Y/N: yeah, it was my friend's birthday party yesterday, and he decided to come.
Boss: I felt bad calling him yesterday while he was probably having fun, but I needed help packing a few things for the move.
A tear forms around his eye, but he quickly turns his chair.
Boss: why don't you come over for dinner tonight.
Y/N: really?
Boss: yeah, it would be nice to have one of Tom's friends over.
Y/N: sure.
You thank him and return to work. You haven't seen David and Tom all day. Maybe they're talking to other potential client's then they clocked hit nine, and you left work.
Tom: Hey y/n.
Tom was outside waiting for you, it seemed.
Y/N: hey, guessing you're here to pick me up to go to your dad's place.
Tom: I didn't know he invited you.
Y/N: I guess that was supposed to be a surprise.
Then you noticed a thin cut on Tom's cheek.
Tom: what?
Y/N: you have a cut on your face.
You place your hand on it, and he jumps back.
Y/N: did that hurt?
Tom: no, it just caught me off guard.
Y/N: sorry.
Tom: it's okay.
You both get into the car, and Tom starts to drive.
Tom: so how was office work?
Y/N: it was rough, so much paperwork and phone calls where we're you all day?
Tom: I was at the cemetery today.
You looked at him.
Tom: but I don't want to talk about it right now.
Y/N: I'm sorry.
The rest of the car ride was silent until you got to your boss's house. You both got out, and Tom knocks on the door.
Tom: Dad, it's me.
The door opens.
Boss: Y/N Thomas, come in, come in.
You both walk in, and the smell of food instantly hits you.
Y/N: that smells delicious, Mr.Holland.
Boss: I sure hope I made it right.
Tom: I'm pretty sure it tastes okay.
You all walk out of the kitchen, and Mr.Holland pulls the meal out of the oven.
Mr.H: All done.
You and Tom Both wash your hand and sit at the dinner table, and your boss, I mean Mr.Holland, gives you both of you a plate to eat. It was delicious.
Y/N: this is delicious.
Mr.H: it was my Wife's recipe.
He looks at the ground in sadness when he said that.
Tom: dad, why don't you eat with us?
Mr.H: I'll eat later.
He goes upstairs, and you can hear a door close.
Y/N: I'm sorry.
Tom: no, he does this every time.
Tom walks outside, leaving you at the table alone; you walk upstairs and knock on Mr. Hollland's door; he opens it.
Y/N: I'm sorry.
Mr.H: no, it's fine here. Take a seat.
You sit next to him, and he pulls out a book.
Mr.H: Today's my wife's forty-seventh birthday. We lost her in a plane crash seven years ago every year; I try to make her recipe, but today was the first time I made it without breaking down and completely ruining it.
Y/N: I'm so sorry for your loss, Mr.Holland
Mr.H: thank you and thank you for coming. You didn't have to.
He hugs you, and you walk back downstairs and headed outside to Tom, crying.
Tom: he told you?
Y/N: yes.
You sit next to him.
Tom: I miss her. I haven't been the same since she left. The reason I don't have friends is I'm scared to get closed to someone, and something terrible happens to him. I don't want to feel that feeling of losing someone again.
You take his hand, and you wipe the tears from his face, and you both looked up at the stars.
Tom: Thanks for being here, y/n.
Y/N: thanks for trusting me enough to opening up to.
He smiles, and you both head back inside to see Tom's dad eating.
Mr.H: you're right, this is delicious.
You and Tom both smile and sit with him, enjoying each other company the whole night.

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