Chapter 3 ~ Don't Ignore Me

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Tuesday 8:37 AM
You go into work your went in quite upset; while walking into the building, Jessie, the lady who works the front desk, stopped you.
Jessie: Hey y/n you okay?
Y/N: I'm okay. I guess I just had a rough day with paperwork yesterday.
Jessie: oh well, make sure you take breaks; okay, self-care is essential.
You nod in agreement.
Jessie: oh yeah, Mr.Holland would like to see you.
You nodded and started heading into your boss's office. On the way, you see tom talking to David.
Y/N: shit.
You said in a low tone you have to walk past them to get to your boss's office. You started walking, and David notices you, along with Tom; you avoid eye contact with Tom and wave at David. He waves back as you go into The boss's office.
Boss: Y/N, just the person I wanted to see.
Y/N: You wanted to see me, sir?
Boss: yes, since it's your second day here and everyone seems busy with their work today, I needed you to accompany Thomas with potential business partners.
Y/N: Sounds like fun.
Boss: Good, make sure to keep Thomas out of trouble, please.
Y/N: of course.
You leave the office.
David: Y/N!
David jogs toward you with some papers.
David: here, Tom told me to hand you these. He's, umm, waiting for you outside.
You grab the papers.
David: good luck, okay.
Y/N: Yeah.
You walk outside it's lightly raining you see tom waiting next to his car.
Tom: Come on, newbie, let's go!
You sigh and walk to the car.
Tom: what's up with you.
You ignore his question and just handed him the paper and got into the car.
Tom: okay.
He gets in and starts the car and starts it up. He tells you about the partnership you completely understand the situation.
Tom: understood?
You nod in agreement as he starts to drive the car ride is pretty silent except for the calm music playing on the radio.
Tom: So are you and David, friends?
You ignored him, continuing to look out the window.
Tom: okay then.
He continues driving. You could see the beach too bad it's raining.
Tom: we're almost there.
Your phone ring, you pull it out of your pocket, it's Cassidy. You look at Tom and pick up the phone.
Cassidy: hey, y/n sorry to call you at work, but I need help with Derek's birthday party tonight.
Y/N: oh shoot, I almost forgot I could help you after work.
Cassidy: Good, we need Balloons and cake.
Y/N: balloons and a cake, got it; see you later, Cass.
You hang up.
Tom: Who's birthday?
You look at him and sigh; looking back out the window, he looked upset, but he kept driving until you finally arrived. You both get out of the car and enter the building. The receptionist shows you both to the meeting room. It's empty for now.
Tom: Silent Treatment, huh is it because I left?
Y/N: you could have said goodbye at least.
Tom: I don't know why you are upset we aren't friends or anything.
Hearing that hurt, you thought you made a breakthrough with him yesterday. You sit in your seat, trying to hold back the tears, wanting to flow through your eyes.
Tom: y/n?
Y/N: let's get this meeting over with.
Two people enter the room; you greet them then sit back down; starting the meeting, it went on for about five hours until it was over you and Tom say goodbye to them as you both left the building and got back into the car you and tom took some places at each other. Still, no one said anything. Once you got into the office, you see Cassidy.
Cass: y/n!
You exit the car and walk up to them.
Y/N: Cass, what are you doing here?
Cass: you were taking yo long, so I came to you.
Tom walks out of the car catching up with you.
Cass: Who'd this?
Y/N: no one of importance.
Tom: I'm Thomas.
Cass: Cassidy, one of y/n's best friends.
They shake hands.
Y/N: well, we should get going.
As you try to walk away, tom stops you.
Tom: I heard that it's someone's birthday today?
Cass: oh, our friend Derek we're having a birthday party for him here. Take an invitation.
You and tom both look at each other, his smug face as Cass handed him an invitation.
Tom: Thanks. See you two at the party.
He says while he winks at you, then walking away.
Cass: he seemed lovely.
Y/N: yeah, he's lovely, alright.

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