Chapter 7 ~ Calling Out Sick

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Monday 7:37 PM
It was almost time to leave work. It was a rough day since David got fired, but for some reason, Tom wasn't at work, so after work, you asked his Dad where he was, and he told you he was sick at home. After that, you headed to his apartment room, kicking on the door, and Gwen opens the door.
Gwen: oh Y/N, hey, guessing you here to see Tom?
Y/N: I just wanted to make sure he was okay.
Gwen: he has a high fever but do you think you could take care of him? I have to start getting some work done at home.
You nod, and she thanks you. You go inside, and she leaves. His place was lovely looking at the bed. Tom was asleep. You went towards the kitchen and looking for some soup there was a single can. You grabbed it and put it on the stove.
Y/N: this smells good.
You turn the stove off, and as you turn around, Tom is standing behind you.
Y/N: oh shit, you scared me.
Tom: When did you get here?
Y/N: a few minutes ago, Gwen went home to finish some work, but you should be resting.
You push him back towards his bed, lying him back down, and headed back into the kitchen, putting the soup into a bowl.
Tom: it's so hot in here I'm sweating.
As you turn back around, you could see Tom starting to take his shirt off, and once it was entirely off, your heart skipped a beat.
Y/N: Woah.
You dropped the soup onto the floor.
Y/N: shit!
You quickly grabbed some paper towels and started cleaning up the soup off the floor.
Tom: Y/N, are you okay?
He rushes over to you.
Y/N: I'm so clumsy. I'm sorry.
Tom: it's okay.
You try your best not to look at him. Even being close to him started to make you nervous.
Y/N: you should be resting.
Tom: I'm fine.
You finish cleaning up, and you tired you best not to look at Tom as he laid back down. You walked towards him with a cold towel planing it onto his forehead.
Tom: that feels nice.
He looks at you, noticing you not looking at him.
Tom: are you okay?
Y/N: I was thinking of work, that's all.
Tom: you shouldn't stress yourself out with that stuff. I could help you if you want.
Y/N: no, it's okay. Have you taken some medicine?
Tom: not yet. It should be in the kitchen.
You nod and walk back into the kitchen to grab his medicine, and you noticed a picture of Tom and His dad.
Y/N: this is a nice picture.
Tom: what picture?
You grab the medicine and the picture and bring it to him.
Y/N: this one.
He looks at it, his facial expression when I handed it to him; he grabbed it and threw it halfway across the room.
Y/N: Thomas!
Tom: It's Tom!
He started coughing and laid back down.
Y/N: here's your medicine. I'm going to go.
He takes medicine and doesn't speak after that; you sigh and leave his apartment and go into yours.
Y/N: I upset him. Maybe I should go back and apologize.
You think it threw, and just as your about to open the door, Tom's there sweating bullets.
Tom: I'm sorry.
Y/N: you shouldn't be up.
Tom: I know. I just felt the need to say something.
He then falls forward on you, but you catch him.
Y/N: Tom!
He knocked out cold you carry him inside and lay him back down. You bring him another cold towel for his head.
Y/N: why are you like this.
You decided to take a shower. It felt refreshing the warm water touching your skin, then other thoughts started popping into your head about Tom, but you turned the water cold making the thoughts quickly leave your mind.
Y/N: what's wrong with me.
You got out of the shower and dried yourself off, then put on some comfy clothes as you exit the bathroom; you looked over at Tom, still asleep, so you decided to lay down on the couch looking outside. Next thing you know, you started falling asleep.
11:15 PM
You wake up; your vision is pretty blurry, but when your vision cleared up, Tom was in front of you.
Tom: you're finally awake.
Y/N: what are you doing up?
You move over, and Tom sits next to you.
Tom: I'm feeling better. I'm sorry about me lasing out on you like that.
Y/N: no, I'm sorry you had it hidden, say, for a reason.
He smiles at you, and you turn away from him.
Tom: your face is as red as a tomato. Are you getting sick too?
Y/N: no, it's nothing.
Tom: oh really, here, let me check your forehead.
He reaches out to you and touches your forehead.
Tom: you don't feel sick, but your face is even redder because of me?
Y/N: no, I swear.
He gets closer towards you.
Y/N: Tom!
Tom: I make you nervous, huh?
He just as you get face to face with him, you back up and fall onto the floor.
Tom: Oh shit, are you okay!
Y/N: I'm fine.
Tom: Be honest with me. Do you have feelings for me?
Your heart starts to race, and your fingers clench up, and then there's a knock at the door.
Y/N: who could that be?
You walk over to open it, and when you do, it's two boys.
Tom: you two!
Harry: It looks like we came at the wrong time.
Tom pushes them out the doorway and opens his apartment door.
Tom: you two in here.
They both enter his apartment.
Tom: I'll see you tomorrow then?
You nod, and he goes inside.
Y/N: talk about being saved by the bell.

My Bosses Son (Tom Holland x Male Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora