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Sorry it's rather short

"Tomura! You cheated!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Well maybe I'm just that good."

Spinner and Shigaraki were sitting in Spinner's room, currently playing a Sonic racing game. Spinner was sat between Shigaraki's legs, laying on the younger man, whose arms were around Spinner's chest, controller held tightly in gloved hands. Spinner had lost for the eighth consecutive time, and was starting to become frustrated.

"Well," Shigaraki said, amused "to prove I'm not cheating, you can choose who I am and what the settings and map are. That sound good 'Guchi?" Spinner hummed before agreeing a few moments later.

After a while of Spinner fiddling with the settings and Shigaraki teasing him ("Hah! I could do that one with my eyes closed and I would still win." "Shut the fuck up.") the two were waiting for the countdown to finish.

"I am going to win." Spinner announced, much to his boyfriend's evident amusement.

"Oh really? What about the last eight times you said that?" Shigaraki replied. The next few minutes were spent in silence as they were too focused on the game. Near the end of the round, Shigaraki and Spinner's characters were tied for first, with only a few metres to go.

"... you cheated."

Spinner won the round.

"Did not."

"Kissing me at the end of the round is cheating you cheat!"

Spinner yelled as a pillow was thrown at his face, his cackles becoming muffled.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2021 ⏰

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