Kurogiri X All For One

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This was a request from @Nezu_kinnie

Also because I don't know AFOs first name (last name is canon and only in the manga as far as I know, so only read the rest of the bold.if you don't mind) I'm going to make his name Akuma Shigaraki.

"Meeting dismissed. I expect all of you to remember this information and put it to good use." All For One said, voice cold and commanding. Toga
and Mustard shivered, quickly going to the sofa and busying themselves with magazines. Mr Compress pulled Twice up and they went to Twice's room to gossip (though they called it "adult disscussions", which Toga continuously teased them for) and the others walked to their rooms. Kurogiri was the only one who stayed where he was situated behind the bar, humming an old tune to himself as he cleaned the one glass he always seemed to. All For One walked back to his room, and a moment after he did Toga and Mustard started to talk.

"Hey Mustard, don'tcha think All For One's spooky?"

"Spooky? More like scary. He gives me creepy vibes."

"Mhm. Yeah, I wouldn't want to get close to him. He's too commanding and never listens to anyone. He's very mean."

Kurogiri nearly laughed at Toga's words. He knew for a fact that Akuma was not like that, with him at least. He was gentler, always making sure that he never made Kurogiri uncomfortable the whole time they were dating. It was...interesting, dating one of histories worst villains. It also meant that only he knows how the man is behind closed doors. If the public knew, their opinion on him would change quite a bit.

"-can't imagine anyone would want to be close to him."

"Yeah, be doesn't seem to friendly. Oh my God, Mustard, what if he was dating someone?"

"Pfft, like that would happen. Besides, even if it did I can imagine that they can't be too cuddly."

Kurogiri had to use all of his willpower not to laugh just then. Akuma would tell him that he was far too cuddly and slightly clingy, but that it was "rather endearing". Kurogiri smiled to himself, but was snapped out of his thoughts as he heard his name being, well, yelled.

"KUROGIRI! Finally! Toga wants to know your opinion." Mustard said, Toga grinning.

"On what?" He asked.

"She wants to know of you think All For One would date someone."

"It is none of my business, so I will not answer. My apologies." He said. Mustard simply nodded and picked up his trusty gun to clean it and Toga groaned, flopping down dramatically.

A couple hours later and Kurogiri was exhausted. All he wanted to do at that moment was to curl up with Akuma and sleep the night away. As Kurogiri heard his name called, the opportunity may have come. All For One beckoned Kurogiri over, and led him to his room. The next hour was spent with the two talking about the upcoming mission.

Kurogiri sat down on Akuma's bed. The opportunity to do so was becoming rarer and rarer as more and more members joined, leaning the two tremendously busy. Akuma smiled lightly, sitting down next to his boyfriend and rubbing his back. Kurogiri subconsciously leaned back into it, causing Akuma to chuckle.

"Stressed?" He asked, ways able to tell how Kurogiri was feeling with only a glance after all this time. Kurogiri hummed, supressing a yawn. He layed down, Akuma following suit and Kurogiri immediately clung onto him. "You really are clingy. It's rather endearing." He said, placing his arm around Kurogiri.

"You say that like it's a bad thing." Kurogiri mumbled.

"I never said it was." Akuma replied. Kurogiri fell asleep soon after to Akuma's radio playing and the warmth of his boyfriend lying next to him.

Two months later a curious Toga, Twice and an unwilling Mustard walked in on Akuma and Kurogiri asleep in each others arms. It took Akuma blackmailing the three for them to shut up about it.

"Kurogiri, you have a new mission." Akuma said "keep those three quiet no matter what it fucking takes."

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