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"No, we are not watching Saw Katsuki." Aoyama said, snatching the remote from his boyfriend's hand. Bakugo groaned.

"How come?! Saw's a fucking great film.". Aoyama rolled his eyes and pecked Bakugo's cheek.

"Because, mon amour, I do not like films with a lot of violence, you know that.". Bakugo relented and huffed, resting his head on Yuga's shoulder, the rest of his body laying against his.

"Well, what film then Yuga?" Bakugo asked. Aoyama hummed, tapping his chin.

"How about Amelie?" he said.

"The fuck's Amelie?" Bakugo asked. Aoyama rolled his eyes, resting his chin on Bakugo's head. He wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's waist and held him closer.

"Uncultured..." Aoyama hummed. Bakugo stiffened and growled.

"The fuck you just call me Yuga?!" he yelled, explosions popping off his palms. Aoyama rolled his eyes again at Bakugo's antics. He shut him up with a kiss. Bakugo made a noise of confusion before humming contentedly into the kiss, wrapping his arm around Aoyama's neck, pulling him closer. Aoyama broke the kiss a few moments later.

"Okay, let's start the film mon chéri." Aoyama said, switching the film on.

"Huh? Speak in this language so I know what the fuck you're saying." Bakugo said, no venom or bite in his tone, just relaxed and soft for once. Aoyama rather liked it. He wanted to hear that tone in Bakugo's voice as much as he could. Until then, he would hold the memory in his mind until he couldn't forget it, until it was what he heard when he went to sleep. He adored this side of his usually angry and defensive boyfriend. When he was calm and relaxed, his guard down. The film played.

"I love you Katsuki."

"...I love you too Yuga."

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