Chapter 8

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After breakfast, the DeVolpes lead the two French teens plus the kwamis down a hallway to the last door on the right. Behind that door is one of the coziest libraries Marinette and Adrien have ever seen. It was around two stories tall and it was filled with vast tomes of knowledge. Plush red armchairs littered the room and two large couches made up the centerpiece of the room. The chocolate colored wood reflected the flickering glow of the various crystal sconces attached to the walls and bookcases. Bianco lead the teenagers to one of the bookcases behind the left side couch and touched a seemingly random book. It wasn't long before the book lit up and glowing lines crept over the other books like vines around a tree. The illusion of the bookcase lifted and revealed a corridor filled with paintings—portraits of people dressed like the animals and creatures they represented. Each and every single one of the portraits wore a mask and so, their identities were completely hidden.

"Are these portraits what I think they are?" thought Marinette while scanning the portraits with her eyes. The clothes of the people were obviously from different eras but they each had an animal theme.

Adrien was thinking along the same lines. His eyes met Marinette's and he knew that she was thinking the same thing. Lorelai glanced behind her and saw the interaction. Her eyes glimmered and her mind was already scheming.

Bianco finally stopped at the end of the corridor. The door opened immediately as if sensing them near. Behind the door was a gallery displaying many precious artifacts. There were rings glittering with gems, necklaces of shells, bronze gauntlets, formal renaissance suits and musketeer style dresses.

"This" Bianco said with a flourish "is our magisterium. This is where we train and perfect our abilities as Wielders"

"So this is like a super secret headquarters for Wielders?" Adrien asked, his eyes glittering with excitement. Marinette is just as amazed.

"You can say it is" said Lorelai. Bianco chuckled at the wide-eyed faces of Adrien, Marinette and the kwamis.

"Wait" Marinette suddenly realized that this room was just a gallery full of priceless artifacts. "How are we supposed to train in here without breaking anything?" she asked

"Maybe they have another area for that?" answered Adrien. After all, they already went through a secret passageway and magic exists. Anything is possible.

"You are correct young man" said Bianco. He smiled at the easy acceptance of the children and walked over to a panel in the wall. He touched the panel and just like the bookcase, magic swirled out of his hand and into the walls. The room shifted and the gallery was now a large training room with an assortment of weapons on one side and a wide expanse of area cordoned off by a wooden railing on the other side. There was also a shooting range in the far back corner.

"Looks like you were right kiddo" said Plagg who somehow manage to climb into Adrien's hair without anyone noticing. Adrien would've jumped from the sudden voice coming from the top of his head if he weren't already used to this.

Lorelai giggled at the awestruck expression on Marinette's face and Adrien's childish excitement. Bianco guided them to the weapons and now that they were closer, they can see the swords, whips, maces, muskets, rifles, pistols and a whole plethora of weaponry.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2023 ⏰

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