Chapter 5

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The doorknob turned and the door opened. The kwamis flew under the bed as quick as they could and Marinette followed them. The space under the bed was small but she was tiny enough to fit under there due to her short Asian genes. Though it's still pretty cramped. Everyone held their breath as a green-eyed girl walked in. She looked around for a second before focusing on Adrien.

"Buongiorno Signore Agreste" she greeted with a smile. It seems like she's a morning person. She was just radiating happiness and optimism. It's either that or something really good has happened recently.

"Good morning Lorelai" said Adrien. His smile was stiff, a bit forced to someone who knows him well. His legs blocked Marinette from view as Lorelai walked closer. She looked at him and then down at his feet.

"Mi Padre said that he would like to meet you" she looked up again. Adrien smiled nervously and his hand wandered up to scratch the back of his head.

"Oh really?" asked Adrien

"Yes, Padre wants to invite all of you down to breakfast. I have some clothes for you in the washrooms down the hall and I filled the water for the both of you." she replied.

"O-oh! Thank you Lorelai. By the way, you can just call me Adrien" he said with a smile.

" Alright! Adrien it is." she smiled. Just as Lorelai was about to walk out, Adrien realized something.

"Wait—" Lorelai then turned around and looked at his feet again. She wasn't looking at his feet, she was staring at Marinette and the kwamis.

"Yes, all of you" she smiled sweetly and then walked out the door, leaving the inhabitants of the room frozen in shock and Adrien gaping at her. Marinette and the kwamis came out from under the bed once they got over the shock and stared at the door.

"She knew this whole time..." Marinette whispered, eyes wide. "How?"

"I don't know Princess" he looked at her "But she doesn't seem to mind and I bet her Padre knows too"

"Princess?" Marinette asked with a smirk

"U-Uh yeah! Princess! You don't like it? I won't call y-you that if you don't like it!" he stammered, his face heating up. Marinette giggled and then smiled.

"Don't worry Kitty, I like it."

"Kitty?" he asked with a grin

"Yep! You're my little Kitty!" she giggled and booped him on the nose.


Tikki sighed and face-pawed, shaking her head at Plagg's interruption of the moment before smacking him.

"PLAGG! Why did you have to interrupt them! They were adorable!" she exclaimed

"Yeah whatever! I'm hungry and they were being all lovey-dovey. Blegh!" Plagg said in faux disgust. Adrien and Marinette laughed at the poor hungry kwami before replying.

"Aww! You know you love us Plagg!" teased Adrien

"Yeah Plagg. I never knew you shipped the two of us!" laughed Marinette. Tikki was now giggling next to Plagg.

"You guys are so mean!" cried Plagg

"Alright" laughed Adrien "They probably have some cheese downstairs somewhere so lets get going"

"Yes, and Plagg? Please wait for us." she paused "Tikki, make sure Plagg stays here. We won't be too far anyways" said Marinette with a smile.

"Okay!" squeaked Tikki with Plagg whining in the background.

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