Chapter 7

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Breakfast was an awkward affair. Marinette kept glancing upwards at Lorelai and the green-eyed man and then back to her food again. Adrien was much the same. They were both curious and somewhat cautious. Magic like that was something they have never seen before. Sure there have been Akumas and such but they've never seen that kind of power used for anything good. Lorelai just sat there happily eating her breakfast, seemingly unaware of the tension in the room. Eventually, everybody finished eating and it was now time for the explanations.

"So," Lorelai started, "I'm sure that you have many questions for us but I ask that you reserve them for later after we explain as much as we can."

"Well said Lorelai," said the man. Adrien and Marinette glanced at each other before nodding at the two Italians.

"Firstly, we would like to do away with that nasty bruise you have on your face Ms.Ladybug," said the man.

"Lorelai, if you would?" He gestured towards Marinette. Lorelai then got up and went around the table to Marinette. She whispered a few undecipherable words before a green glow danced around her fingertips. She touched her hand to Marinette's bruise and to their amazement, the bruise began fading. For Marinette, the dull aching pain on her face ebbed away little by little. After a few minutes, the bruise was completely gone. Adrien just sat there staring at where the bruise used to be and Marinette, once Lorelai removed her hand, gingerly touched her face. There was no pain whatsoever.

"How—" Marinette started, staring at Lorelai.

"We will explain." said Lorelai, interrupting Marinette. Tikki and Plagg were just floating in the background. They were actually very curious about this too. Their miraculouses weren't active during this time period after all.

Lorelai walked over to the man and introduced him.

"This is Bianco DeVolpe the Third. I usually call him mi Padre! My Father." she said with a smile.

"Thank you mia cara. As we said, we will explain everything. But let me tell you a story first," said the man who is now revealed to be Lorelai's father. He took a breath and started to tell a story passed down from the generations.

"A long time ago, before the rule of mankind, there were two deities. One of Creation and one of Destruction. They watched over the burgeoning world for thousands of years. As the world evolved, new deities took form. These new deities represented things such as Nature and Time. Together, they created Life and with Life came Death. At this point, the world was full of peace and harmony under the watchful eyes of these deities. Eventually, we of mankind have evolved enough to walk these lands. As we evolved after millions and millions of years, more deities were born as new concepts were created. Deities such as Truth, Justice, Civilization, Deception, War and Honor. Everything was well until Evil was came into being. Evil was born from the ideas of hatred and contempt. Once they were released into the world, they began to devour as the other deities stood by watching. There was nothing they could do. They cannot step onto the mortal plane without causing problems. They would throw the world out of balance. Evil, however, did not care. They just wanted to devour and corrupt. After a while, Creation realized that there could be a way to stop Evil. The other deities were skeptical as they would be limiting the power they had but Creation had somehow managed to persuade them to try. Creation's idea was to seal small parts of themselves into objects that could be sent onto the mortal plane. These items would then be used to unlock the potential of those on the mortal plane. By doing this, they gave people the chance to stand against Evil. Eventually, the champions of the deities, called Wielders, defeated Evil and sealed them into a crystal and crushed it. The stone shattered along with Evil in it. They then hid these shards all over the world, hoping that Evil will never rise to power again."

After he finished, he was met with silence. He knew that Adrien and Marinette were thinking about it. When he saw their eyes light up with realization, that was when he knew that they have gotten the message.

"Monsieur DeVolpe?" asked Marinette, "Do you mean to tell us that the Kwamis are literal representation of these deities in your story and that our miraculouses are the items that held them?"

"Yes." he simply stated. Marinette's eyes widened as she turned to the floating Kwamis.

"Is this true?" asked Adrien, facing the Kwamis as well.

"Yep! We're Gods." said Plagg as if he were commenting on the weather. Adrien really wasn't surprised by this anymore. Plagg sometimes had a bad habit of forgetting to mention important things. This being one of them.

"Tikki?" asked Marinette, glancing at the little ladybug, "Why didn't you ever tell me about this?"

"I didn't tell you because we Kwamis aren't supposed to. We are only parts of our respective deities, not the deities themselves," Tikki replied looking a little apologetic

"Oh, that's alright Tikki. If you couldn't have told me then there was nothing you could do about it," said Marinette with a smile.

"Well, that explains the Miraculous and the Kwamis but what about that thing you did with breakfast and healing Marinette?" asked Adrien, snapping said bluenette and her Kwami out of their little conversation.

"That," said Bianco with a knowing smile, "Was magic."

Adrien's eyes widen in amazement and then a huge smile crept across his face.

"That kind of magic exists??! That is sooo COOL!" he exclaimed with all the excitement of a child on Christmas morning. Marinette and Tikki were giggling off on the side at Adrien's little display of excitement when Lorelai asked a question that shocked the French teens into silence.

"Cool?" she asked, head tilting slightly to the side, "What does that mean?"

Bianco was pretty curious too. He has never heard of the term before. At least not in this context. One second passed, then two, then three. A solid five seconds later of awkward silence, the dam burst.

"What do you mean?" exclaimed Adrien, "Everyone knows what cool means!"

"Apparently not," said Plagg, still lazily eating his chunks of cheese.

"It means that something is very...amazing..." said Marinette, trying to explain.

"Well, we have never heard of the terminology before. At least in this context," said Bianco. Adrien and Marinette were kind of shocked to say the least. That is until Marinette started putting the pieces together. Now that she looked at it, the styles of clothing that they all wore were very familiar. She remembered seeing something like this in a fashion magazine before. She also remembered that that particular magazine mainly featured historically based designs. Then, it hit her.

"We're in the Renaissance Era!" she blurted out. Adrien jumped at the sudden exclamation. He then realized what she actually shouted.

"We're in the Renaissance Era???" she asked bewildered. The poor DeVolpes just stood there, feeling very very confused. If one looked closely, one can see that question marks floating about their heads.

"Yeah kid, we're in the Italian Renaissance." stated Plagg as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Why didn't any of you tell us?" asked Marinette

"I'm sorry Marinette!" Tikki squeaked with her big eyes widening, "I guess we forgot because of everything going on..."

"Don't worry about it guys," said Adrien while petting Tikki on the head, "We understand."

The DeVolpes are still very confused. Seeing this, Adrien, Marinette and the Kwamis started explaining everything that happened and how they ended up in this situation. When Marinette got up to the part in the alley, she trembled a bit but her voice came out firm and strong.

"I see," said Bianco, "It sounds as if you will be with us for a while then."

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