Chapter 1

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It was an ordinary day in the grand city of Paris. The birds are singing, the people are going to work and the children are going to school . . .

. . . And then there's the usual villain attack.




Cars are thrown and roads are cracking at the seams. The monster, an akuma infected citizen, rampaged through Paris.

"Hold it!"

A voice came from up above. There, standing on one of the nearly demolished buildings, was one of the two superheroes of Paris. Dressed in a red jumpsuit splattered with spots of black and a mask of the same pattern, was Ladybug.

She hurled her yo-yo at a nearby streetlamp and used it to swing herself down to where the monster was. For some reason, there was nobody around. Not even an akuma minion.

The monster itself wore a medieval style armor and had glowing violet eyes. In its hand was a large lance. The strange thing about it was that it had a large golden clock etched into the middle of its breastplate .

"Hand over the miraculous and I may let you go" said the akuma with a strange accent.

"Never!" Yelled Ladybug

"Well then! Prepare to face your DOOM!"

With a roar, the akuma charged forwards lance first. Ladybug quickly swung into action. She jumped to the side and tried to avoid the huge lance heading her way. Unfortunately, it grazed her arm and she was thrown off balance. She got up again just as the other arm came down. Realizing that there was no way for her to get out of the way in time, she braced for impact . . .

. . . But it never came. Instead, there was a resounding clang of metal hitting metal.

"Never fear, your knight in shining leather is here!"

Ladybug let out a sigh of relief and she smiled at her partner.

"Finally! What took you so long?" she asked as Chat Noir helped her off the ground.

"Weeeell, I may have been in a very awkward spot when the akuma attacked" he replied with a sheepish smile. "And I had to get everyone outta here"

Just then, a giant lance struck between the two superheroes. They jumped apart and faced the their opponent.

"DO NOT IGNORE ME YOU FOOLS!!!" roared the akuma.

He then swiped his lance towards Chat Noir as he was the closest. He leaped out of the way and extended his baton to hit the akuma back. Unfortunately, the baton just bounced off the metal armor. He kept trying a few more times but the blows didn't even put a scratch on the akuma. Chat Noir backed up and jumped backwards to avoid the lance swinging down at him.

"Yeesh! You need to chill! Were you kicked out of the Renaissance Fair or something?" said Chat Noir while dodging the akuma charging right at him.

"Shut up and hand me your miraculous!" the akuma demanded after turning around.

"Yeah... That's never gonna happen. Who are you anyways?" asked the cat themed superhero.

"I am Signore Tempo, I will be the one to take your miraculous!" growled the akuma who was preparing to charge again.

Just then, a certain yo-yo zipped through the air, wrapping itself around Signor Tempo. Then, he was lifted into the air. Chat Noir looked around and surely enough, there was Ladybug next to a streetlamp. She had used the lamp and the yo-yo as a pulley to trap the akuma.

"Nice catch Milady!" he yelled, grinning.

She rolled her eyes and then called over to Chat.

"The akuma's in the clock on his chest Chat!"

"Right!" he replied.

He went over to the dangling villain and reached towards the clock etched in its breastplate.


And with that, the clock started glowing. The light can be seen through the cracking armor as it became nearly blinding.


The light was now blinding and the superheroes had to cover their eyes if they still wanted to retain their eyesight.

Then, the akuma exploded.


*All that was left was a huge crater and the ashes of the little black butterfly*

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