Chapter 3

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After Tikki flew off, Marinette went to the cleanest corner she could find in the alley and sat down. It would be pretty awkward if someone walked by and saw a teenage girl standing alone in an alley. It happened to be a good call as a few minutes later, a couple of drunk men stumbled past. She breathed out a sigh of relief as they past, glad that they didn't come anywhere near her. She closed her eyes as she tried to remember what exactly happened. First, she and Chat were fighting an akuma called Signore Tempo. They were just about to break the possessed item which was the clock that was embedded into its breastplate. That was when the explosion happened. Everything else was pretty much a blur.

Unbeknownst to Marinette, someone has spotted her. She was dragged out of her thoughts when a shadow loomed over her.

"What is a pretty girl like you doing in a place like this?"

The man was obviously drunk as he was standing unsteadily and his speech was slurred. The problem was, Marinette didn't understand a thing that came out of his mouth. All she knew is that it wasn't French and that she was very, very screwed. She bit her lip and and tried to back away as much as she can. The man was big. He was as big as her father and although she was strong, there was no way she could fight him and win without Tikki. The man grabbed her by one of her pigtails and yanked her up. Marinette cried out in pain as her hair was ripped out from her scalp.

"Not answering? Who do you think you are?!!" snarled the man. His breath reeked of alcohol and Marinette was trying her best, struggling and squirming, to get out of the man's grip. She had no idea what he just said but she knew that the man was angry. Very angry.

"I'll show you what happens little spoiled girls" he growled as his other hand began tearing off her jacket.

"They become little whores" he laughed, hiccuping as though he just told a very funny joke. Marinette opened her mouth to scream when a heavy hand slammed into the side of her face. Her head snapped to the side at the force of the blow. Her cheek went numb for a second before the burning pain set in. The man, happy that she was now quiet, continued to tear at her clothes clumsily.

Suddenly, a low thump came from behind the man and he collapsed forwards. A pair of black clad arms caught the man before he crushed Marinette. The body was then thrown aside and into the wall above a pile of trash and other unmentionables before sliding down into said pile. Marinette looked up into the glowing green eyes of her savior before throwing herself at him. Chat Noir wrapped his arms around her and allowed her to sob into his chest.

"C'mon Princess, I'm here for you. You're safe now." whispered Chat Noir as he held the girl in his arms. He was so glad that he had found her before anything irreversible happened. He continued to whisper reassurances into her ear until her sniffles subsided and she calmed down a bit and fell asleep. He really couldn't blame her for that as she must've been exhausted from this whole ordeal. He then lifted her up into his arms, one arm under her knees and the other supporting her head, and ran back in the direction her came from. He took care to stick to the alleyways and shadows in case someone happened to be wandering around. When he got back to Lorelai's house, which happened to be a mansion comparable to the Agreste Mansion. When he got there, he shifted his princess over to his shoulder so her could use his baton to vault over the wrought iron fence. Then he propelled them up to the window he jumped out of with some help from Tikki as he didn't pay attention to which window he jumped out of. Once he got back in the room, he laid the sleeping princess down on the bed and released his transformation. He tucked her under the covers and hovered over her, hand gently touching the beginnings of a nasty bruise on her cheek. This would've never happened if he got there on time! If he got there any later...

He didn't want to think about it. He sat down by the bed and hugged his knees to his chest. Using his knees as a pillow, he drifted off to sleep with some help from the kwamis floating by his head. Unbeknownst to them, a pair of intelligent green eyes peered into the room.

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