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"Halstead there's someone downstairs for you" trudy said as she walked into the bullpen. Jay sighed nervously and got up with hailey, the unit watched them both leave in suspicion. They followed trudy downstairs then walked into an empty office to start the meeting. "Hey, Halstead right?" The social worker greeted him with a handshake. He nodded and sat down, hailey followed suit.

"So I'm assuming you're wanting to claim legal guardianship over destiny?" She said with a small smile. Jay nodded definitely, "yeah, yeah I am" he confirmed. The social worker smiled, "that's great, I just want you to understand what you'll be dealing with. She's clearly traumatised and usually we wouldn't allow female victims who have dealt with abuse from a male figure to live permanently with another male alone, but from what I saw yesterday upstairs she clearly trusts you..." she explained with a small smile. Hailey shot jay an approving nod before he answered, "I do, I understand and I'm prepared to help her though it all" he nodded. The social worker smiled, "alrighty then, you'll be aware that DCFS will need to assess your living conditions, so as soon as you're approved we can sign the legal documents and she will be in your care" she smiled. Jay nodded, "I already took care of that" he confirmed.

The social worker looked impressed, "well in that case then I should be able to stop by your place later today and we should have all of this legalised by tonight" she smiled. Jay stood up to shake her hand, "thank you" he smiled at her. She nodded, "is 6:30pm okay?" She said with a warm smile. Jay looked at hailey then nodded, "see you then" he waved her off. He turned to look at hailey, "it's really happening..." he smiled nervously at her. She smiled and walked out of the office with him, "you'll be fine, besides, she'll be in the best care" she reassured him before they walked back up to join the team again.

The unit looked at them curiously as they walked back over to their desks even hank had came out of his office to find out what was going on. "Okay what's going on?" Adam said in his usual clueless tone. Jay looked at hailey and smiled, he had to tell them since it was too big of a secret to hide. "I'm adopting destiny, I'm waiting to be approved but hopefully by tonight she'll be in my care..." he spat out the truth. Everyone looked around in shock, "congrats man" hank said while patting jays shoulder before walking back into his office. Everyone got up to congratulate Jay before getting on with the case. They had arrested destiny's mom and step dad and they were waiting on trials to hear their sentences.

The time flew by and they finished work at 6pm, "aright head out guys and good luck jay" hank said before waving them out, they all smiled at jay and hailey then left. Jay and hailey left too, "I'll see you at your place?" Hailey said already knowing his answer. Jay nodded and got into his car, he drove back to his place just in time, 6:25pm. He got out of the car at the same time as hailey and they walked over to the social worker who was waiting in the apartment complex lobby for them. "Hey" jay said while shaking her hand. She shook his hand back and follow him into the elevator, they walked over to jays apartment and he opened the door to let the social worker and hailey through first.

He didn't have to worry about anything since he already sorted it all out but he was still on edge, "okay so you have a functioning kitchen, stocked up shelves, a working water system, a room for the child, and working heating and AC. Okay mr halstead, you fit the criteria. Congratulations" she said while rounding up her surroundings. Jay smiled happily and shook her hands before turning to hug hailey, "if you could just sign here to say you've been approved, and sign here to say you'll be taking legal guardianship" she smiled while handing him a pen. He sighed them immediately, "okay you're all set, if you want to wait here while I got pick up destiny then that's fine" she said while walking over to the door. They both nodded and waited in jays apartment for destiny to be welcomed into her new home, "we'll get pizza tonight, I don't know how to tell will, wait what if she doesn't like me?" Jay stressed.

Hailey laughed and grabbed his shoulder, "you'll be fine, she's gonna love you" she smiled at him. Jay nodded and sat down on the couch, they waited for around half an hour until they heard a knock at the door.

"Destiny, come on. You're new father is awaiting your presence" her social worker said while opening her bedroom door. Destiny jumped up in excitement, "someone wants me?" She said which sounded a bit sad. Her social worker nodded and signalled for her to grab her bag and follow her out. Destiny packed up her few clothes that she had and grabbed her phone before following the woman out, "is he nice?" She said nervously. The social worker laughed, "he's lovely" she agreed before focusing on the road again.

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