Suavi Kaplan

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The chair girl routine had become so much a part of their concerts that Avi admitted he had become a little careless with his personal boundaries. He enjoyed it; goofing around, singing and dancing for the girls, watching them laugh and scream as their a cappella idols sat on their laps, hugged them and generally made them feel like the prettiest girls in the world. Not to mention the fact that having them swoon made him feel like a million dollars. He had never been very good with girls; talking didn't always come easy and he was the first to admit that he was a bit of a nerd. There had been some girls, sure, but never serious and never on a global scale.

Now there were entire websites dedicated to him. Girls drew amazing pictures of his face that made him look positively sexy. Sometimes he could hardly believe they really saw him that way.

But sometimes he could.

Like right now, as he swung his leg around yet another pair of female knees, perched gingerly on her thighs and leaned back, feeling her arms go around him loosely in reaction as if she was afraid he would fall.

And then there was definitely a caress, fingers stuttering across his buttons and over one of his pectorals. Momentarily flustered he stood a little too quickly and prepared for the next step, not looking at the girl as he waited for the part of the song where he gyrated. He'd never been much of dancer but at least flowing to the music had always come easily.

"Give yourself to me..."

He rippled his body, moving his hips, loving the way the beat surged through him.

And then she was standing, her body behind him, and there was definitely touching as she molded herself to him, mimicking his moves exactly, her pelvis flush with the backside of his jeans as they thrust together once.

Quickly he stepped away. She was flushed. She was smiling. She was teasing him.

He blinked. And then he remembered who he was on stage. Suavi Kaplan.

He gave her a half smile and waved a scolding finger, mouthing, "No, no."

She pouted prettily, all blond hair and tight black dress.

The audience was laughing. Someone wolf-whistled. Mitch and Scott were staring, eyebrows raised; they knew his stance on inappropriate behaviour. He gave them a quick smile to assure them that all was well, situation handled. They seemed mollified and the moment passed with barely a hitch as the song went on. The girl returned to her seat afterward without another incident, though she did blow Avi a kiss as she descended.

He found her name and number in his jeans pocket hours later and smiled faintly as he read it, remembering her pretty face, the blush on her cheeks, the feel of her curves against him...

Then he crumpled it and threw it away.

He knew who he was: Avi Benjamin Kaplan. And one day he would find her -- the girl he was going to marry. She was out there, somewhere, waiting for him, too.

Some things, like stardom, took time and patience to happen the way they should.

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