Time Isn't Always Cold

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Why, Avi wondered, did twenty-seven feel so much older than twenty-six?

With a sigh he took a swig from his water bottle as they prepared for the Barcelona meet-and-greet, more than ready to forget for a couple of hours that he was another year older today—another year closer to thirty, which seemed huge considering how many people his age were married, had houses, had children. Not that he was sorry for the turn his life had taken, but some days more than others he could feel the clock ticking away while he missed his parents, lost whole days to jet lag and met people he might never see again. Sometimes it was hard to see beyond what occasionally felt like a series of endless losses.

"Y'okay, bro?"

Avi shook himself and smiled at his roommate. "Yeah, I'm good. Just...thinking."

Kevin knocked him in the shoulder. "Well, think about this: party in Barcelona tonight! You excited?"

Avi wanted to be, but his thoughts continued to circle. He was twenty-seven. He was no longer a young man. Soon the top of the hill would be in sight. With another sigh he tightened his bun and straightened his clothing before grabbing his mic. A moment later the VIP fans poured into the venue.

Quite a few of them were young women, Avi noticed immediately—some tall, some short, some curvy, some thin, but all of them attractive in their own way. He glanced at Kevin, knowing he, too, was appreciating the view. Kevin winked before turning his attention to the crowd.

After a brief intro they sang a couple of songs before stepping down to chat and shake some hands. Before Avi could get very far into the crowd, however, the group of women approached him. He guessed there were about thirty of them. He smiled and greeted them politely.

"Hello, Avi," the woman in front said, voice warm and thickly accented. "Today's your birthday, yes? We..." She gestured at herself and the other women. "...have a present for you."

Avi's smile widened. "Thank you, but that isn't necessary. The only present I need is to know fans are enjoying our music."

"Oh, we enjoy it," the woman assured him. "And so we hope you will enjoy your gift just as much." She lifted herself on her toes and placed a brief kiss on his cheek. "One," she said.

He frowned faintly in confusion until the next woman stepped up and gave him another kiss, this one on the opposite cheek. "Two," she counted with a smile.

Then: "Three." "Four." "Five."

Short. Tall. Curvy. Thin. Brown-eyed. Blue-eyed. Blond. Brunette. Avi was starting to feel light-headed.

"Nineteen." "Twenty" "Twenty-one."

The line never seemed to end. A veritable sea of attractive girls waiting to kiss him. He wondered if this was a dream.

"Twenty-four." "Twenty-five."

"Twenty-six." This one placed her kiss on the tip of his nose.

Then, finally, the last woman stepped forward. She was almost as tall as he was and had a mischievous gleam in her eyes as she leaned forward and unexpectedly pressed a chaste kiss to his mouth. "Twenty-seven," she said huskily.

Avi blinked, feeling none too steady on his feet. "Wow," he breathed. "I think that's the best present I've ever gotten."

"Happy birthday, Mr. Bassman," the woman who had spoken first said with a smile. "Maybe you'll come back next year again on your birthday?"

"Absolutely. I'll be here."

"We'll be waiting." The women turned as a group, blowing kisses over their shoulders.

"I'll be turning a hundred next year," Avi called after them. "Just to warn you."

The women merely giggled as they slipped out of the building.

It was a moment before Avi noticed that Kevin had sidled up beside him. He took in his friend's dumbfounded expression and felt a ridiculous smile split his face.

"What was that about?" Kevin demanded. "How come you get all the sugar?"

Avi shrugged with a smirk. "What can I say? Women love a sensitive man."

"I think I might have to start bawling at every show, too."

"Hey, no way. Find your own angle."

Kevin rolled his eyes and wandered away, shaking his head in mock disgust.

Avi grinned, suddenly feeling like maybe getting older wasn't such a bad thing after all.

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