Beanie Baby

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The hospital was crowded with patients and staff alike. Pentatonix had just finished the set they had chosen for the day - Daft Punk, Video Killed the Radio Star, and Problem - and were now enjoying a little downtime with some coffee and refreshments while they met with fans both old and new. Avi finished waving to a woman in a wheelchair as an aide took her back to her room and took a sip of his coffee as he eyed the crowd. Not Starbucks quality, he decided as he swallowed, but not bad, either. And it was his first for the day, which always made it taste infinitely better. He closed his eyes, savouring the feel of the caffeine tingling through his veins...

And was startled out of his reverie as someone stepped on his foot.

It was a very small someone in a tiny hospital gown that had slipped endearingly off of one shoulder. She had little round curls and huge blue eyes and a thumb he suspected spent a lot of time in her mouth. He smiled, unable to help himself as she stared somberly up at him. "Hello," he greeted her seriously. "What's your name?"



She shook her head and removed her thumb. "Aleisha."

"Aleisha. What a beautiful name." It had come unbidden out of his mouth, but the little girl seemed to take the compliment seriously enough. He smiled and crouched down so that she wouldn't have to stare up at him any longer. "Are you a patient here?"

The answer was obvious, but she nodded.

"Do you get to go home soon?"

She nodded again.

"That's good. Did you like our songs?"

Another series of nods, these ones more enthusiastic. "I was dancing, like this." She gave him a brief example. He couldn't help a charmed grin as she finished with a dramatic flourish. He clapped in appreciation.

"And I liked how you sang down, down, down," she told him. "That was my favourite part."

"You want to learn how?"

Nod nod nod.

"Well, first you take a deep breath."

She inhaled loudly.

"Then you talk...down...low."

"Uhhhh," she moaned.

"Uhhhh," Avi echoed her.

They practiced together for a few seconds until someone nearly tripped over them. Hastily Avi moved them out of the crowd. Then he began to wonder who she belonged to. He raised his head and glanced around quickly, looking for signs of a frantic parent, but there was no one obviously searching. He pursed his lips and returned his attention to the girl. "Is your mom or dad here?"

"My Daddy. Can I have some juice?"

"Um, sure. This way." He led her over to the table where he had gotten his coffee and poured her a styrofoam cup of juice. Then he settled her in a chair nearby and, spying Kevin, waved him over.

"Don't people usually start with a girlfriend and then get a kid?" he asked, grinning.

"Funny. Her dad's here somewhere. Do you think you can look around?"

"Sure." He slipped back into the crowd.

Avi turned around to find his other three band mates descending on him. As they drew closer Kirstie noticed the little girl in the chair at Avi's elbow and immediately broke into a delighted smile. "Oh, hello, sweetie! I saw you dancing earlier!"

Juice forgotten, Aleisha slid from the chair and skipped up to Scott, Mitch and Kirstie. "Can you sing me something?" she asked excitedly.

The three of them glanced at each other. "Sure," Mitch answered. "Mary Had a Little Lamb?"

Aleisha turned to look at Avi, obviously expecting him to join in.

With a faint sigh he stepped forward and added a few bass notes to the voices of his friends until they had a pretty rendition of an old classic going on. As they were finishing Kevin appeared with a harried looking man in his thirties.

"Aleisha, there you are! I've been looking all over for you!" the man said, scooping his daughter into his arms.

"They're singing to me, Daddy!"

"I'm so sorry, guys," he apologized to them. "She can be pretty demanding."

"She was an absolute angel," Kirstie gushed. "If you don't mind me asking, why is she in the hospital?"

"Kidney dialysis. We're waiting on a transplant. They say it shouldn't be more than a few months, but there are no guarantees. We're just praying it's soon."

At that moment Esther appeared, which meant it was time for them to leave. Avi felt reluctant to go. Aleisha was so young and so sweet, and she had to be so brave...

Suddenly he had an idea. Swiping the coal gray beanie off of his head, hardly caring that his hair - the bane of his existence sometimes - was now falling everywhere, he turned to Kirstie. "Do you have a pen or something?"

"Um, I don't know." She rummaged around in her purse and came up with a black marker. "Will this do?"

"Perfect!" He hurried over to a table and flattening his hat as best he could worked to sign his name as neatly as possible. Then he added: For Aleisha - be brave!

He stood up to discover the rest of the band waiting for their turn. Once they had all signed Avi turned and arranged the beanie over Aleisha's blond curls. She beamed and showed her new accessory off to her father.

"Thank you." Her father had tears in his eyes. "Thank you so much. Bless you."

"No thanks necessary," Avi told him. "All I ask..." He looked at Aleisha. " that you get better."

She nodded enthusiastically. And then she stretched her arms out for a hug. Avi obliged, and then turned away.

"Are you crying, bro?" Kevin asked him as they left the hospital.

"Shut up."

* * *

Months later, at a signing after a concert, Avi looked up to find a box on the table in front of him. He raised his eyes to thank whoever it was who had brought him a gift - never necessary, but it made the fans feel good to give something back - and came face to face with a man in his thirties. He had a little girl in his arms; she had a blinding smile and a familiar beanie over her blond curls.

"Aleisha!" Avi jumped to his feet. "How are you? How is she? Did she have the surgery yet?"

"Yes, last month," her father laughed. "I'm surprised you remember. You must see thousands of people."

"She was pretty memorable. So...she's fine? Her kidney's working now?"

"One hundred percent. She's just like any other little girl now. Except she's dead-set on marrying you when she gets older."

Avi laughed. "I'll try to wait for you," he told Aleisha seriously.


"I'll do my best."

"Don't forget about your gift," her father prompted him, gesturing an elbow at the box.

Avi turned back to the table and opened the present. Inside he found a beanie. And another. And another. Fifteen all told, each one unique. He felt his eyes tear up.

"She picked every one of those out. Every time we went out she had to find one. Your gift meant so much to her; I have to wrestle it off of her every time I want to give her a bath!"

"Thank you," Avi whispered huskily.

"No. Thank you. Good luck with the rest of your tour!"

When he glanced up again they were gone and the rest of the band - plus a sizable number of fans - were smiling gushingly at him. He gathered himself with an effort and sat down again. And, as the next person came forward, he replaced his current beanie with a bright pink one and grabbed a photo from the stack. "Who can I make this out to?" he asked with a grin.

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