Bump in the Statistics

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AN: Didn't exactly write it with this in mind but this ends on a slightly paternal note—so, happy belated Father's Day to all fathers, present and future! Also, if anyone's looking for the little eight-part thing I wrote, Here There Be Dragons, I turned it into its own little fic :-)

It was time to choose a chair girl. Avi strode leisurely from one end of the stage to the other, crooning his dilemma into the microphone as he struggled to pick one woman out of all of the smiling, beautiful women in the audience who had their hands up, begging to be chosen...

Finally he knew.

"You," he said, pointing at a blond woman who looked to be in her twenties who, after turning to kiss the man beside her on the cheek, made her way toward the nearest staircase leading to the stage. She was grinning fit to split her face as she plucked at the material of her billowy dress so she could ascend, and then she was taking his hand so he could help her up beside him.

Not until that moment did he notice what he hadn't noticed right off the bat: she was pregnant. And not just a little pregnant. She looked ready to pop.

This was going to be interesting.

Kevin clapped a hand over his mouth but quickly schooled himself back into seriousness. Avi sighed internally. He was never going to hear the end of this. Oh well, time to make the best of it. He led the woman to the chair and helped her lower herself into it. Then he got down on one knee.

"What's your name?" he asked her, trying not to stare at her impressive belly.

"Magda," she told him excitedly.

He nodded...and then decided to improvise. "And what's your name, sir or madam?" he asked, pointing the mic at her stomach.

The woman laughed and he lifted the mic back to her mouth. "Her name is Leila."

"Magda and Leila. What beautiful names." He got to his feet. "Let's get it on, baby. And...baby."

Once everyone was done laughing, the awkwardness of the moment thankfully banished before it could snarl up the number, Mitch did his wah wah wah wah and Scott began to sing. He danced around the woman, he perched gingerly on her knee, he put a long arm around her shoulder and leaned into her and she was loving it...

And then they all approached. Avi did his best not to hesitate as he sat himself on the woman's thigh and leaned back with an arm around her, mindful as he moved that there was a belly beside him with a passenger in it who might not appreciate being jostled. Then, finished, he pulled himself up and prepared to stand...

And felt someone kick him in the hip.

His eyes widened and he nearly lost the beat.

"She's dancing!" Magda laughed. "She does it at home, too! She loves Pentatonix!"

He stared at the woman's belly as he stood, momentarily in awe of the tiny life he couldn't see but which was there all the same, listening to everything and communicating the only way she knew how...

Then, after completing his obligatory body roll, he hastened into position to finish the song.

Once the routine was over, however, and the woman stood to embrace them, they all clustered around her, hands half raised to feel the tumbling, enthusiastic life inside her body. She laughed and gave them permission. For several seconds there was silence on stage as the five singers basked in the appreciation of their smallest fan...

And then Avi walked her back to the top of the staircase where her husband stood to help her into the crowd. Their joy was contagious as they smiled at each other. He couldn't help a grin.

"Your daughter's quite the dancer," he told the soon-to-be father. "You must be very proud."

"I am," the man replied. "She's the most incredible thing I've ever had anything to do with."

Avi didn't doubt it. One day he planned to have children, too, and would undoubtedly feel that same rush of humbling joy at the idea of bringing life into the world...

...and, even taking into consideration his present gains and accolades, he already knew his children would be the most incredible things he would ever have anything to do with.

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