Tickling the Bass Part 2

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AN: Okay, so I did another one. I love ticklish Avi :-P Also, thanks to people who have been reading my goofy little drabbles. Yup. Sorry they're dumb :-D

"Where are my barbecued ribs?"

The question made Avi's blood run cold as he lay in his bunk with his tablet and his headphones, watching the newest episode of Orange is the New Black. Even with the volume up he could hear Kevin's voice echoing around the cramped space that was their tour bus. The beatboxer was not a happy man.

Which meant that, very soon, Avi was not going to be a happy man, either. He licked his lips and turned off his tablet, trying to be as quiet as possible. Maybe if no one knew he was here he could wait until they all left and then make an escape...

"Have any of you seen Avi?"

He could almost hear the others shaking their heads. He'd wandered in half an hour ago, starving and so excited to find leftovers in the fridge. He'd assumed they were Esther's, not realizing Kevin had gotten ribs last night, too. He really, really shouldn't have listened to his stomach.

His stomach, however, could be extremely persuasive when it wanted to be.

And now he was in a world of trouble. He winced as he heard his friend's heavy footsteps coming closer.

"Avi? You in there?"

As the curtain was ripped aside Avi threw up his hands, hoping against hope that Kevin didn't remember the threat he'd made in their apartment weeks ago the last time Avi had eaten his leftovers. "I'm sorry, man, I'm sorry. I didn't know they were yours."

"I'm sure you knew they weren't yours!"

"I'm sorry, I was hungry. I just..."

"You just ate someone else's food that they'd been looking forward to all day!"

"I said I was sorry!"

"Not yet you're not..."

There was nowhere to escape to in his tiny bunk, though Avi tried desperately to roll out of reach as Kevin ducked in after him. It was no use, of course. He was doomed. He managed one short cry of protest as Kevin grabbed him.

Then the tickling began.

He was momentarily embarrassed by the shriek that came out of his mouth as ten strong fingers dug into his sides, but he was extremely ticklish—a fact Kevin had discovered by accident one day during an impromptu wrestling match in their livingroom—and he couldn't help the sounds that poured out of him: the voice-cracking screams, the begging, the apologies—especially as Kevin's fingers worked their way under his arms. He was going to die, he was positive as he fought for breath, slamming this way and that in his bunk, trying to evade those hands. He was going to laugh himself to death and no one was going to save him...

Then, as quickly as it had started, the tickling stopped as Kevin apparently decided his friend had learned his lesson. Avi flopped bonelessly onto his mattress, hair a tangled mess, clothes and blankets wrapped around him, face flushed with sweat and tears as he gulped in lungfuls of air...

Then he heard the electronic pop of a Snapchat video being uploaded.

He turned to stare in horror at Scott and Mitch who were grinning cheekily at him. "Please don't tell me..."

"Don't worry, daddy." Mitch smiled sweetly. "The world loves ticklish Avi—remember?"

He closed his eyes with a groan. He really shouldn't have listened to his stomach.

Maybe it was time to go vegan.

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