Tag 20

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So I was tagged by a couple of people (Lottecon and ObsessIntoOblivion) to do this thing and honestly it sounds kinda fun, so...here we go!

1. Do I have a crush?

No, not on anyone I've ever met at the moment...unless my hubby counts! In that case, yes.

2. Do they like me?

I hope so!

3. Middle name?


4. Single or taken?

Very much taken :)

5. Last person I texted?

The hubs, wondering if he was getting a ride home from work.

6. Last song I listened to?

One that's on Avi's Spotify playlist that I fell in love with (honestly, not into a lot of the songs he likes but THIS ONE IS WONDERFUL) called Josephine by Ritual ft. Lisa Hannigan.

7. Battery percentage?


8. Girl best friend?

A girl named Jen who I met in a bathroom in university who I then found out was in my Creative Writing course. I feel like it was an enormous fluke that we met each other at all bc we're both INFJs :P BUT I LOVE HER!!!

9. Guy best friend?

Jon Smith, the hubby :)

10. Favourite OTP?

Kavi, of course, at the moment (tho I don't ship them much in real life), but I still have a soft spot for Vincent and Tifa from FFVII from A MILLION YEARS AGO!!! I wrote so much friggin' fan fiction about them on FF.net! :P

11. Why did I make this account?

Avi made me do it :P And some amazing writers on here :D

12. Current lock screen?

My son on a slide wearing his lion hat and some sunglasses from a couple years ago. Possibly the best picture I've ever taken of anyone :)

13. Birthday?

September 19, 1979 (I'm old)

14. Favourite Doctor?

Never seen an episode *ducks flying chairs* But I like David Tennant in Jessica Jones!

15. Favourite movie?

The Fifth Element with Bruce Willis. Yeah, it's cheesy. Fight me.

16. Country I live in?


17. Gender?

I am of the female persuasion.

18. Favourite food?

I HATE this question!!! Um...can I say an entire turkey dinner?

19. Best school subject?

It was always English.

20. Do I think I'm a good writer?

Sometimes :) And then sometimes I'm pretty sure it's all garbage.

So...my answers! I tag:


And that's all I can think of! If you've done this already SORRY! Plus don't feel obliged to do it :P LOVE YOU ALL!!

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