Chapter 63

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As the war between Heroes and the MLA had raged on, squads of heroes were each tasked with specific missions. Some heroes were tasked with storming the hospital. Other heroes were given the task to take down any and all opposition. When groups had broken off, Izuku’s group was faced with a more specific task. “TAKE THEM DOW-“ A member of the Liberation shouts before being kneed in the face by Touya. “They keep coming!” “Don’t stop! We’re almost there!” Their objective was to rendezvous with their inside man Hawks in order to take down the members of the original League of Villains to end the group once and for all. When they came upon the scene, they witnessed a man in a winter coat that covered his face attack the number 2 pro.

“To think we let you into our faction and this is how you repay us!? It’s revolting!” “Tch. Sorry man, just following orders like you are.” The villain pulled the ice around the building to him and created a massive number of spears. “And that is why you shall die to us. So long, Hawks.” Before the villain could attack, Izuku shot the man with his siphoning shot to force him to look behind. “You…” This was all he could say before collapsing on the ground. “You ok Hawks?” “Better now. Hehehe-ow.” The pro held his side to have Shirakumo head over to help. “I gotcha man.” As this occurred, Twice began to try and run away with Toga holding a blade to his neck. “Don’t make this harder on us Jin. We don’t wanna kill you.” The villain glanced at his former comrade with anger and disgust. “Says you! The four of you left us! Me, Spinner and Compress didn’t know what happened until you four walked out and we heard on the news you were given the death sentence! HOW DO YOU THINK WE FELT KNOWING THAT THE REJECTS LIKE US WERE GONE JUST LIKE THAT!?”

Honto knew she couldn't hesitate but she felt like she had to explain "We were given a second chance!! AFO corrupted our minds!! Please surrender and maybe you'll be given a second chance too!" “A second chance?” Twice began laughing as if this was a joke. “PEOPLE LIKE US DON’T GET SECOND CHANCES! WE’RE THE GARBAGE OF THIS SOCIETY AND THATS WHAT THEY SEE US AS!” Spinner came behind Honto to only have the blade in his hands decayed by Tenko.”This isn’t what we came here to do. Please just give up and this’ll end on a good note.” “I apologize Shigaraki, but it’s too late for that.” Compress came behind to turn the underground hero into a marble. “We’ve done too much bad to wish for good-“ The villain was cut off by Izuku’s sword hitting his stomach and finding himself on the ground. The marble that was Tenko dropped to the floor and rolled over to Dabi. “Too much damage to do good? What a load of crap.”

Izuku’s choice of words angered Twice for him to snap back. “WHAT THE HELL DO YOU KNOW KID!? YOU HAVE A FUTURE THAT’S WORTH A DAMN! WHAT DO I HAVE TO LOOK TOWARDS!?” Izuku walked towards the copying villain to grab him by his suit and stare him in the eyes. The anger the green haired boy had was unimaginably known throughout the room. “Not that long ago, none of the paths I have opened to me were accessible. I believed there was nothing good I could do in this world and decided to not waste my effort. I got the second chance to do good and I am struggling still. So when you say there’s too much bad to do good, it pisses me off!” Izuku lost it on Twice to start screaming. “IT’S NEVER TOO LATE TO DO THE RIGHT THING!” He pointed at Honto, Tenko, Touya, and Shirakumo. “Those four have been our enemies just as long if not longer than you. They’ve killed people. More people than all three of you! Yet even after all this, they wanted to make a difference and do the right thing. SO WHY THE HELL CAN’T YOU!?”

The three stood there silent with Tenko returning to normal and speaking up. “We all did some bad things in our pasts. Things we can’t take back no matter how hard we try.” He pulls out a hand from when he was Shigaraki to remember his younger sister Hana. “We did what we did and became the League thinking there was no other choice for us. But Catalyst here is giving us a chance. He has just as much reason to hate us as we would hate him. We attacked and hurt his friends. We also almost killed them on a few occasions. But even after all this, he still wants to help. So now we’re all faced with two options.” The former villain looked at his old comrades before speaking. “Go to jail and wait out our lives in a jail cell until we die without anything to show for it, or try and do at least some good to make up for what we’ve done and whose lives we stole.” Izuku calmed himself before sitting beside Hawks. “Jin Bubaigawara. You had been given a record at sixteen due to a motorcycle accident. That followed you to adulthood where you were let go because of it. Shuichi Iguchi. You were treated like a freak because of your quirk and lived your life as a shut-in. Atsuhiro Sako. You’re the great great grandson of Oji Harima. A thief that stole for the people with the ideology to show corruption of those who are in power and help those in need. Each one of you had a hard life up till now and I don’t blame you all for hating society for this. But doing this won’t change anything. It’ll just be another corrupt society ruling it with more people than there should be hurt.”

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