Chapter 29

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The next day again training began at 5 o'clock in the morning it was time for more hellish training but it didn't bother Izuku in the slightest. Since he literally clawed his way to where he was, brutal training isn’t anything to him anymore. In a sense, training that doesn’t push him to a state of exhaustion left him unfulfilled with this being worth his effort. After some time training, Izuku began to realize that he could not only siphon life energy out of a larger area in a single moment, he could also siphon life energy from the air itself. This would save him immense time and collateral so long as nobody walks into the area he siphoned. Ragdoll made this mistake to make it feel like she was breathing in death. Since he got a tad bit better with this, Aizawa told him to start his next set with swordplay and combat training along with holding more life energy in his system to make him be able to hold larger amounts for longer times.

During his sword training with Pixie Bob she was in awe of how precise his strikes were and also how elegant the form he used was. As she sent hoards of golems one managed to land a hit and tear his shirt off Pixie Bob was shocked for two reasons the first was because he was muscular but with a lean build second was due to all the scars. Izuku gave the golem a hit back slicing it in two with the pro about to go up to ask if he was alright.  However She was stopped by Tiger who asked Aizawa prior to say it’s not worth getting into. Pixie Bob respected her comrades' suggestion and didn’t go any farther.

“Alright kiddies. Tonight as a reward for all your hard work, we'll give you all a test of courage. So work hard, and later you’ll get to play hard.” Many were excited with a few having some different emotions towards this. “Alright Midoriya, time for combat training.” Aizawa passed Izuku a shirt while saying this. “Also, you may want to put that on before you scare the members of class B, and/or give Uraraka too much of a nosebleed.” Izuku glanced over to see Ochako staring with blood dripping down while levitating a few boulders. “Sorry.” 

Before Izuku could prepare for combat training he saw black smoke from the forest as the sun was setting when suddenly a small group of people came out of the woods they declared "We've come to kill Izuku Midoriya, he's a threat to masters plans." The students were caught off guard since they didn't expect this to happen. Izuku knew what had to be done as he was near Aizawa he whispered "Am I authorized for combat.” “As of this moment, yes.” Izuku cracked his knuckles while bringing out his chain and sword. “You want me?” Izuku threw the weighed down part of his chain to knock some kid with a gas mask out cold while shattering the mask in the process. “Come and get me.” “This is gonna be fun. Muscular, go wild.”

A giant bulky man known as Muscular came charging with what seemed like his muscles were bulging out of his arms at Izuku. “Time to die kid. Show me YOUR BLOOD!” Izuku narrowly missed being punched to only be kicked a distance to fall on the solid rock. “Not bad kid, but you’re outmatched against me.” Muscular walked over to notice the ground turn to dust. “Neat trick, but it’s not gonna help you!” Muscular tried to attack Izuku with him shooting a beam at him. It seemed like it didn’t do anything until the giant villain fell back to show him unconscious. Izuku ran over to make sure he didn’t over do it to see he’s still breathing. “You wanna keep going, or make the same mistake this guy made?” A man with severely burned skin smiled while imprisoning himself, a girl with blond messy buns, a guy in a straight jacket, and some deadpool cosplayer in a ring of fire with Izuku.

“Crazy, go wild. Moonfish, feel free to slice into his flesh.” “YAY!” “Flesh. Delicious flesh.” As this went on, Mandalay and Tiger began to fight a man that looked like a gecko and a person with a giant magnet. The students had their own worries with a giant Nomu going after them with what looked like chainsaws on it’s limbs. Izuku knew he needed to save everyone since they're after him so when Moonfish came close he siphoned each of the Metal blades from his mouth to the point they were rusted the extra power boost allowed him to swing his sword at a more ferocious speed causing Moonfish to fall to the floor in agony since his teeth were shattered. 

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