Chapter 4

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Roughly 5 months had gone by since Izuku returned home. In that time, Izuku had been training diligently with Ryukyu in the woods. Her training consisted of stamina and some strength training. Since Izuku was one that did not work out, this was very taxing on Izuku. This however, was not the major part of his training. What he had to do for training his quirk was the most painful for him. Every day, Ryukyu would have him drain as much energy he can out of a tree and place it into a seed. The purpose was to fully drain out a full grown tree’s life essence and transfer it into a seed to grow an adult tree of equal size. The first two months, Izuku was barely able to make a sapling sprought. Once he was used to the training however, he began to sprout a tree big enough to buy at local greeneries. Doing this however wore him out with the training still to look at.

As this went on, Nejire and Ochako spent more time together and trained for the entrance exams as well. Her’s mainly consisted of controlling how long she can hold things in the air before needing to put them down along with some stamina training of her own. After training, the three teenagers would get together and spend time as a group. This worked as both decompressing for them after a hard workout and mental therapy for Izuku since he was still struggling with life a bit. Now instead of the people that bullied him going after him, they tend to stay away out of fear of what happened and what he can do now. Bakugou however, did not let up and kept belittling Izuku with it now becoming numb to the green haired boy.

Speaking of Bakugou, he had begun his training with All Might the day after Izuku was admitted to the hospital and was told to clean up an illegal dumping site that was once Dagobah Municipal Beach. The first two weeks in Bakugou remained silent, but he began getting more mouthy after the half month of doing this mark. By the second to third month, he began getting very agitated before the fourth month telling All Might that this is insulting to him. The scrawny pro told him that these were essential parts of becoming a hero and that he should have patience. By the fifth month however, Bakugou made the bare minimum of clearing the coastline with All Might passing OFA to him.

“Nicely done young Bakugou. Not only did you achieve the requirements I told you, but you did it in half the time I gave you.” All Might spoke to him with some admiration for what he did.

“Of course I did! Only a loser wouldn’t be able to do something so simple as this in 5 months.” Bakugou stated this with a rather cocky tone as All Might turned into his muscle form and plucked a hair out of his head.

“Now, EAT THIS!” All Might held a piece of his hair out with Bakugou looking like All Might was an idiot “To achieve the quirk, you must ingest some of my DNA. NOW, EAT!”

Bakugou ate the hair and nearly threw up after. “What the fuck, I just ate your hair and I don’t feel different!”

“It will take a few hours before it makes its way into your system. We will still train here, so please keep coming here at the same time. Our new goal is to get you ready with it and manage the quirk in your own way.” Bakugou listened and left thinking this was bullshit of an answer with All Might being oblivious to this.

That evening

Izuku was heading home with Nejire and Ochako who told him to join them at the movies. They had watched a comedy that Ochako personally wanted to see for a while, but wanted to wait for Nejire to see it. They had a blast together with each of them laughing and enjoying the other's company. As they walked home, they were met with an undesirable face yet again who wanted to ruin their good spirit.

“So you think you're too good for me and stopped answering my calls, huh!?” Camie went up and began shouting at Izuku with Nejire and Ochako standing in between. “All big and bad now that you have skanks to protect you! Let’s face it, your nothing but a loser!”

Izuku stood there and looked Camie in the eyes. “It’s over.” Everyone was silent as Izuku rephrased what he said. “I’m breaking up with you. Whether what we had really was a relationship or not….it just isn’t healthy.” Nejire and Ochako pulled back as Camie walked up to Izuku.

As she was in front of him, she punched him hard in the eye with him standing there. “YOUR NOT THE ONE THAT BREAKS UP WITH ME! I BREAK UP WITH YOU!” She went for another before getting grabbed by Nejire and getting a punch to the face by Ochako.

“If I had respect for you, it’s gone now.” Ochako says this while shaking her hand, not being used to punching someone. They walked away with Camie shouting things she did to Izuku as a way to get the last laugh. Both girls wrapped their arms around Izuku and walked away.

Once they got to Ochako’s house, her and Nejire said their goodbyes to Izuku. “Are you sure that eye of yours is gonna be alright?” Nejire asks as she looks at a swollen black and blue eye on Izuku.

“I’ve had worse. Don’t worry yourself about it. Thanks for inviting me though, I had fun for the most part.” Both girls smiled before opening the door to head inside. But before they did, they turned around and kissed one of Izuku’s cheeks before running inside. Izuku walked home happy as anything with his mother noticing the black eye. She was going to question him, but chose not to after seeing her son happier than he’s been in a long time.

With All Might

"Why is it that young bakugou fights me at everything I've been trying to do for him? Did I perhaps make a mistake on my successor? Nah that can't be it maybe it will take a bit longer for him to come around" AllMight thought to himself as he took a stroll at night hoping to clear his mind he then arrived to Dagobah beach and saw that the bare minimum of cleaning Bakugou had done was full of trash again. This brought disappointment to AllMight since he thought those within the community would have at least kept it clean. On top of that ever since the transfer of power went to Bakugou One For All had been acting up AllMight thought about visiting his master might give him a clue why the power is acting up.

It was then when he arrived at home and got ready for bed he was out like a light once it was fixed in his dream he saw the person who was like a mother to him."Nana is that you?" He asked in shock "yes it's me you fool now pay attention the transfer of power is rejecting your so-called successor." Toshinori was surprised because his master had never spoken to him in such a way "Why is OFA rejecting young Bakugou? He's a perfect candidate" Nana could only show disappointment in her old student

 "I say you do some research on your successor because he's no hero material but if you proceed this way then you've made a mockery of all the ones who came before you." It was then Toshinori had woken up in a cold sweat, looked around and was in thought for a moment only to shrug his shoulders and not take heed to the words of his master.

(New chapter please enjoy til next time peace ✌)

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