Three Bullets

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Eda was so focused on what she was hearing she almost missed Mr. Blight grabbing a barely conscious Luz. He pressed his gun to her head.

"Now, you all will stand down or else Miss Future Emperor here will get a bullet to the brain." Mr. Blight said, "You've all lost, these guns will be spread throughout the Isles, those girls will soon learn what I did to them, and our experiments will be used to bring the human world to its knees. But what we're going to do to you, it will seem like child's play. Now who to start with?"

"How about the three disappointment's we call our children?" Mrs. Blight suggested.

Eda pointed her staff at them which resulted in Mr. Blight putting his thumb on the gun's hammer and pulling.

"E-Eda, do it." Luz said weakly.

Eda looked at Luz's bruised, tired face. She looked down with tears in her eyes. They hurt Luz, they hurt her apprentice, they hurt the kid, her kid. HER KID. In a burst of speed no one could've anticipated, Eda tackled Mr. Blight and threw the gun away from him.

"You crazy bitch! I will never tell you how to be cured if you don't unhand me!" He said.

"I will gladly be cursed ten times over if it means that Luz is safe! You have hurt my family for almost two decades and it will end here!"

Mrs. Blight tried to get involved but Lilith cut her off with her staff. The two locked eyes before charging at each other. This is something Lilith's wanted to do since she caught Mrs. Blight cheating on her. Lilith, being far more powerful and experienced, was able to avoid Mrs. Blight's pathetic magic. She hit Mrs. Blight with the end of her staff before turning to the kids.

"Get Luz and the prisoners out of here!"

Gus, Willow, Emira, and Edric got the prisoners out while Amity grabbed Luz. Amity was really wishing she could get these cuffs off so she could do magic. Mr. Blight pushed Eda out of the way and grabbed Luz by her hair. He grabbed her neck and Amity and Eda panicked.

"One move and I snap her neck!"

He was so focused on Eda he didn't pay any attention to Amity behind him.

"That's right, stand back or see your precious witchling die-"

He was cut off as a loud bang erupted throughout the room and a pool of blood formed at his feet. Everyone looked at him and saw the hole in the center of his head. He fell to the ground dead with Amity behind him with a smoking pistol in her hands. Everyone looked at her in shock. Amity was breathing heavily before pointing the gun at her mother. Luz started to pick herself off the ground and looked at what's going on.


"Tell me how to cure Eda." Amity demanded.

"Th-th-the curse is connected to our life force." Mrs. Blight said nervously.

"So, if I hit you in the heart then she'll be cured?"

"Amity, would you really do that to your own mother?"

"Mother? You have spent years traini- no, grooming me, into becoming the perfect image of a Blight. You never once cared about me! Never once worried about my safety! You only wanted something to show off!"

Amity pulled the trigger and the bullet quickly embedded itself into Mrs. Blight's heart, or whatever is in place of it. She started spitting up blood and landed on the ground. Amity sent another one into her mother's head just to be safe. Amity fell to her knees and started laughing that turned into crying. She was confused, on one hand she was free from their torture. On the other one, she was so worried about Luz, it didn't register that she had taken, not one, but two lives. That's when it clicked.


Luz started coughing up blood and passed out.

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