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Eda and Lilith made their way to an abandoned building and stared at it.

"Well, this looks like a good place to hide." Eda said.

"We should be careful. Who knows how many weapons they have in there?" Lilith said.

Eda saw a red dot appear on Lilith's head and she panicked. She tackled Lilith as a gun fired. She managed to get Lilith out of the bullets line of fire just in time. They looked around for whoever fired the shot but found nothing. Lilith got up and dusted herself off.

"Thank you, Edalyn."

"Don't thank me yet. Like you said, who knows how many of those things they have, and who knows how many people they have to use them."

The two walked inside and found it to be empty, except for a couple of creates. They opened one to find two assault rifles, a few grenades, and a couple of pistols. They heard footsteps and slow clapping.

"Well done! I knew it wouldn't take long for those imbecilic to let you know about my hide out. Although, I was hoping to be out of here before you arrived." The man said.

Lilith and Eda summoned their staffs and got ready to attack when he grabbed something large next to him.

"Humans have such innovative ways of ending someone's life. Take this for example, a Rocket Propelled Grenade is what it's called, or RPG for short."

He pointed it at them and fired. They dodged it but it causes a portion of the building collapse. It blocked them of long enough for him to make it out with a few guns. Lilith and Eda blast the ruble out of the way and confiscate the last couple of gun creates.

"We must find his new hideout." Lilith said.

In the human world Luz was carrying Amity, much to her displeasure.

"Luz, it's my arm that I can't use, not my legs!" Amity said while blushing madly.

"Don't care, I will carry you to the ends of the earth!"

Luz apparently forgot about Amity's left arm which promptly hit the back of Luz's head. Luz finally put her down and Amity adjusted the sling that has her right arm in it.

"This is so itchy; how do humans deal with it?"

"Don't know, I never had a sling before, mostly because I needed full on casts."

"I think I'm going to have to do something about that."

They went back to the Boiling Isles and went to the Owl House. The two sit on the couch and slowly inch their hands closer. Their hands entangle with each other and the two smile at each other. They slowly move their lips closer when the door open's. The two quickly separate in surprise as Lilith and Eda come in.

"Really?!" They said.

"Hey, Kid! Did we interrupt something?" Eda asked.

"Luz, we need you." Lilith said, "You're the only one that knows about human weapons."

"But I don't know that much about guns." Luz said.

"You know more about them than anyone else here. You're our only one that can help."

"Okay, Amity stay here I'll be back."

Amity gave Luz a small kiss of good luck before she walked out with Eda and Lilith. Unaware Amity was being watched by someone. They were waiting for her to be alone then strike. They snuck in the back door and placed their pistol against the back of Amity's head.

"Come with me, and you won't be hurt... much." She said.

"W-what do you want with me?" Amity asked nervously.

"My partner needs you. You're a smart girl, I'm sure you can figure it out."

"You want to use me as bait." Amity realized.

The person tied a rag in around Amity's mouth and dragged her out of the back door.

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