The Hospital

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Luz brought Boscha and Amity to her mother in the human world. They quickly went to the hospital while Luz put an Illusion spell on them to make them look more human. For Amity it just made her ears look round. For Boscha it rounded her ear's, made her third eye invisible, made her skin look like a normal human's, and made her hair color turn black. They were immediately rushed them into operating room.

"Thankfully you brought them here when you did, Camilia. That one girl, Boscha I believe, she was on the verge of bleeding out. That Amity girl was better, she'll need to stay overnight and won't be able to use her right arm for a couple of weeks, but she'll make a full recovery." The doctor said.

"It's really my daughter you should thank. She's the one that brought them to me in the first place." Mrs. Noceda said.

"Well, Luz. You helped save their lives. I can already tell you are destined for great things."

"Thank you." Luz said.

Luz adjusted the beanie she was wearing; she was so busy with Amity and Boscha she forgot to put an Illusion spell on herself. She luckily had a beanie in her mom's car from when her and Amity were cleaning out her locker at school.

"There is another thing I wanted to talk about. They both have these sacks on their hearts. Do you want us to remove them?"

"No... um, that isn't necessary. We don't want to give you any more work that you need." Mrs. Noceda said nervously.

The doctor looked at Camilia with a weird look before walking away. At the Emperor's Coven headquarters. One of the men responsible for the shooting was sitting in an interrogation room. His gun was slammed down in front of him.

"Well, if it isn't Lilith Clawthorne herself. The pleasure is all mine."

"It's Emperor Clawthorne to you." Lilith said, "I don't know as much about human items as my sister, but I do know that this is a human weapon. Now where did you get your hands on?"

"Why should I tell you anything? I'm just delivering a message."

"Your 'message' led to over a dozen people dead and put two children in a hospital! If you think that this is something that you can just ignore then you have another thing coming!"

"Oh, looks like I struck a nerve. Is it possible that you have some kind of relationship with one of them? A motherly figure, perhaps?"

Lilith left the room and sent in another person. The door opens and the man saw the Owl Lady herself. Eda cracked her knuckles and the man looked scared. Back at the hospital Luz sat next to Amity's bed. She took Amity's hand and Amity opened her eyes.

"I've heard of these beautiful things called angels, are you one of them?" Amity said with a smile.

"How are you feeling?"

"Luz, I'm not dying. Stop making it sound like I am."

Amity sits up and gives Luz a kiss.

"I'm just worried about you; you were shot by a gun."

"Is that what that thing's called?" Amity said, "I look a little better than Boscha over there."

Amity pointed to Boscha in the other bed. Despite being shot twice, she's looking significantly better.

"She actually looks pretty hot as a human." Luz said.

"Luz." Amity warned.

"You know I can hear you two, right?" Boscha said.

She opened her eyes and looked at Luz and Amity. She sits and holds her side.

"How are you feeling, Boscha?" Luz asked.

"As good as I can be given the circumstances."

"I promise, I'll find out who did this." Luz said.

"We know you will." Amity said.

Eda left the room with a proud smirk. She walked up to Lilith who was talking to a guard.

"Hey, Lily. I got some information. Apparently, they got those weapons from a man in a destroyed building outside of Bonesborough."

"So, we find this building that they're hiding in and bring them to prison."

"Or we kill them." Eda suggested.

"Well, whichever comes first."

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