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Luz slowly opened her eyes and took in the sights A.K.A the hospital room. She heard the door open and her mother came in.

"Mija, if you don't stop getting hurt, I'm going to call the men in white coats."

"I'm sorry mom. How long was I out this time?"

"A week."


"A lot has changed while you were asleep." Amity said.

"Really, like what?"

"For one Eda's curse is finally gone. I'm going to regret saying this one, Boscha and Willow are dating-"

"I win the bet!" Luz said before clutching her ribs, "Ow!"

"Yeah I don't recommend doing that. You have several broken ribs, a punctured lung, and were bleeding internally. There's one more-"

"Amity, it's time to go. You can see her again tomorrow." Lilith said making her presence known.

"Coming mom."

"Wait, M-mom?!"

"That's what I was about to tell you. The Blight family is gone but the Clawthorne family has gained three new members."

"Amity Clawthorne does have a nice ring to it."

Amity leaned down and whispered in Luz's ear.

"Not as good as Amity Noceda. Maybe someday."

Luz starts blushing uncontrollably as Amity laughed while walking away with her new mom.

"I still won the bet! You better pay up Clawthorne!" Luz yelled at her, "What do I even see in her?"

"Everything." Mrs. Noceda said with a laugh.

Everything seemed to finally be alright. Little did they know how wrong they were. In the destroyed area with the Blight's corpses (Amity said that their spirits should roam around the human realm). A group of witch's came in and looked at the bodies.

"They failed sir." One said.

"Yes, but they started the experiment. We have three of them to collect."

Tracey was in her room reading a book trying to go back to her normal life. As far as she's concerned, everything she's been through, never happened. To her Magic, Witch's, everything was just a crazy dream that she's fine with forgetting. She closed her book and quickly grabbed a tissue. She sneezed and threw it in the trash.

"Hopefully I'm not catching the flu. I have that Halloween party next Friday and I don't plan on missing it."

She put her book away and fell asleep. Unaware of her tissue crumpled up into a small ball of light.

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