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Luz pulled out her phone and called Willow.

"Willow, I need you guys... Listen they are doing experiments on Fear Monger's! Yes, the same ones from last week! Just hurry!" Luz hung up her phone, "Okay, we need to lea-"

She was cut off when a dark hit her in the side of the neck. She stumbled a little and passed out. The other three screamed when the pair made their presence known.

"I think you three will be perfect for one of our other experiments." The man said.

"I'll just take this little witch to the cells while you work on your next creation." The female said.

The man fired three more darts in to the girls and brought them to the dissection table. The female dumped Luz in the middle of the cage and placed magic blocking handcuffs on her. The woman left and Boscha and Amity ran over to Luz.

"Luz? Luz, wake up!" Amity said.

Luz's eyes slowly opened and she noticed the crowd of about six people. She sat up and tried to do a spell.

"That won't work, Luz. These cuffs cut of our magic." Boscha said.

"What's been happening?" Luz asked.

"They've been using these canisters that release this mist that makes our fears come to life."

"That's why they had them. When we found this place there was a dissection table with a Fear Monger on it."

"How'd they get a Fear Monger?"

"I don't know, but I-"

Luz was cut off when the door opened and the unconscious bodies of Heather, Tracey, and Emily were brought in and dumped on the floor. Blood stained their clothes and their chest were wrapped in bandages. Tracey's brother ran over and tried to wake her up.

"W-what did they do to them?" Amity asked.

The three woke up and felt pain in their chest. The pair walked back in and grabbed the cage.

"I hope you are bonding. It would be a shame if you were placed in a cage with people you couldn't trust."

"Why are you doing this!? Who are you?!" Luz demanded.

"That's something you'll learn the hard way, Miss Noceda." The man said.

"Don't touch her!" Amity screamed as the man grabbed Luz.

"Silence." The woman said, "As I told you long ago. Good children don't squabble."

The man and woman removed their masks and Amity was horrified.

"Mom? Dad?"

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