Chapter 5 | After Death

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"A society of essential oils and self-esteem has replaced a society of logic."

-Benjamin Aaron Shapiro

Ben didn't drill Dreyr for much longer. He felt that, if he was to gain all of the facts of the situation, it would be better to first get an idea of his general surroundings. After Dreyr promised that the Gnawed didn't come out during the day, the two men made their way down the hill and into a town in the valley below. As Ben walked out and into the sunlight, he came to the conclusion that he wasn't anywhere near home. Dreyr wondered why Ben was so transfixed on the sky above, and continued down the hill. Both suns were already high in the sky, illuminating the valley.

Arowell was like any other small town in the nation of Fantashwelt. It had started as a small farming community near the River of Bones, and had grown out into a population of about 200 people. But despite this small number, the town was teeming with life. Even early in the morning, people were out and about. Children were running through the square, men carried wares throughout the trodden street. Further down the row of buildings, Ben could smell the aroma of potatoes being cooked. He salivated at the thought of fresh latkes.

Dreyr moved through the square with purpose. Ben couldn't help but notice the people clear space for the man to pass. They looked at him with thinly veiled fear and disgust. Yet another thing for me to worry about.

Once past the square, the town grew far quieter. Only then could Ben take in his surroundings calmly. Most of the buildings seemed to be made of wood and thatch, and very few were larger than a single room. "Where are we going?" Ben asked.

"You still planning on going around with those rags?" 

Ben looked down at his clothes. Dreyr had a point. His shirt had seen far better days. It was torn, and covered in a mixture of dirt and bloodstains. He became self-conscious as he realized he probably looked like a madman walking through town. Dreyr slipped into a particularly shabby looking building, and Ben followed. The inside was well-lit from the giant windows. A burly woman stood behind an oak counter, clothes of various styles and sizes strewn around the room in no apparent order. "Got a new one with ya this time."

"That I do."

"He gonna end up like the last one?" The woman let a sick smile curl on her lips. Dreyr didn't seem amused.

"You know why I'm here. Get to measuring." Dreyr barked. At that, the woman waddled over to Ben and started measuring him with a length of string.

Ben stood stock still as the woman measured him.

How confusing. Ben thought.

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