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Warning: It is 1 am when I am posting these chapters. And trust me, I aint proof reading these mother truckers.

Technoblade's POV:

"Techno!" Someone barked.
I snapped out of my day dream and focused where I was. "Yes sir."
"You realise we're training, right."
"I know sir." I breathed out.
"Then tell me why you're not paying attention."
"I'm sorry sir, won't happen again sir." The higher god looked at me with scepticism in his eyes, doubting my abilities. "I will try harder,  I'll be ready for battle."
"If you say so."

I could tell he was mocking me, just by looking into his eyes. His tone and body language were also big pointers.

"They'll see..." I mumbled.

I had social anxiety and it made my life living hell. I had trouble training among side the other minor gods, so I preferred to do it in the privacy in my own home. I didn't need to learn anything from them, cause I already knew how to do it in my own way.

I tried including myself in the rest of that class but it ended how it does whenever I try. Almost having a panic attack in front of everyone.

I retreated into the quiet safety of my own home. I flopped onto the couch and grabbed the nearest book, along with my reading glasses. I swiftly got lost in it and by the time I had finished the lengthy novel, It was extremely dark out.

"I'll go to the library tomorrow."

I rummaged through the fridge, in search of something to eat before sleeping. There was only fruit.

"Eugh." I spat. "Only fruit, BORRRINGGG."

I slammed the door and slipped into bed, pulling off my reading glasses. I drifted off into a somewhat peaceful sleep, the voices quieter due to the calm state I was in. Reading always quietens, if not silences the blood thirsty voices in my head.

"If only they understood me. I will prove me worth to them all."

(Slow updates) The tale of a fallen god - A Technoblade AUWhere stories live. Discover now