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Technoblade's POV:

Those next few weeks, I paid great attention. I fought well and quickly rose to best in my class. That teacher was surely shocked. I easily took on all my class mates. As the quiet kid, missing lessons, always daydreaming. They never expected me to be this powerful.

I moved up in classes and rank. By the end of the week, I was in the top class, preparing for battle. I was younger then all the other gods there by a few years but that didn't matter. It was about the skill.

"Tomorrow, we are moving into battle with the Night Stalkers. A pack of monsters terrorizing the mortals. Everyone in this room, has earned a spot here."

He went on and on until he finally let them go. Techno walked home. He was eager to go to battle. He knew that with all he had done to prepare, there would be no way they'd loose.

-The following night-

The fight was brutal. Bodies dropping everywhere. The corpses of the fallen getting crushed by oncoming soldiers. I charged in again, slashing my sword. Heads hit the ground with thuds. By the end of the fight, the gods raised victorious.

After that, I was nicknamed the 'Boar of the Battlefield'. I was proud. I rose in power and over time I was stronger then any of them imagined I could be.

I guess that's why they cast me away.

Of course, cause I had gotten too powerful.

So I was banished. Stripped of my powers, cursed to look like a pig. Forced to live the life of a mortal... not remembering anything about my past life...

... the life of Technoblade, the Blood God

(Slow updates) The tale of a fallen god - A Technoblade AUWhere stories live. Discover now