554 31 8

Tubbo - 6
Tommy - 5
Wilbur - 10
Techno - 11

Philza's POV:

"Dad! Dad! Look what I found!"

I grinned, my son was bouncing up and down. We were walking home from the park through the trees.

"What did you find Tommy?" My elder son let go of my hand and rushed over to him. The third, gripped my hand tightly as I walked over to them.

"You don't need to be scared Toby! It's just an animal." The blonde haired boy grinned
"Boys get away from the wild animal." I sighed.
"But dad! It's not an animal, come look." Wilbur sulked.
At some point, Toby had let go of my had. He shrieked. "Look dad. He looks like a piggy!"

The three boys were stood around a cardboard box. I peered into it cautiously, moving the boys away from it.

"What the hell?"

Curled up in the box, was what looked like a little boy. However, It clearly wasn't. He had pig like ears and his skin was a light pink colour.

"Boys, move back."

The three of them were obedient and took a few steps back and sat down in the grass. They understood that I was being serious, and were intrigued.

I cautiously lifted up the shivering boy. he squirmed at the contact but quickly nuzzled into my arms. He opened his eyes and stared at me, they were solid black. He had little fangs poking out of his mouth. His ears flicked and he tilted his head slightly.

"Dad, see he isn't animal." Wilbur grinned.
"He isn't exactly a human though.." Tommy argued.
Toby pulled at my shirt. "Where's his  dad? Why is he alone."
I looked down at him. "He isn't going to be alone any more." I held the child, he looked around 9 years old, around Wilbur's age. "We're taking a detour boys."

(Slow updates) The tale of a fallen god - A Technoblade AUWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu