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Technoblade's POV:


On hearing that word, the world around me exploded with colour. I felt myself hit the ground. I closed my eyes and saw various moving images put before me.

A city in the clouds. A teenager, a boy with pink hair like mine, reading. People fighting and the boy looking proud. A battle field with skeletal tall black figures, with piercing purple eyes. Puddles of red liquid. That boy, wielding a blood red sword. A group of men casting the boy out of the city in the sky. Then I was put in the place of the boy. I was plummeting to the ground. I opened my mouth to scream, but no noise came out.

Then I opened my eyes. I was drenched in sweat and I looked round. I was in the living room, my family surrounding.

"Technoblade? Are you alright."

"Technoblade, why was that name so oddly recognisable. It felt like De ja Vu. Technoblade. Who was Technoblade? Is Technoblade me? I thought I was Dave, yet Technoblade feels so right..."

"Use his name for goodness sake! Dave, are you feeling ok."
"Yeah, just fine." I sat up.
"You were screaming." Tubbo whimpered.
"Sorry, I worried you all. I'm feeling better, it was a nightmare."
"What did you see?" Phil asked.

I tried reciting it. It had happened moments ago, so why was I already forgetting.

"There was a city in the clouds and there was a fight. And then I felt myself falling out the sky."
"Alright, come tell us if you have another nightmare."

I nodded my head, hoping that I wouldn't have to...

But it wasn't the last time that would come to haunt me in my dreams...

(Slow updates) The tale of a fallen god - A Technoblade AUWhere stories live. Discover now