He's back and he's a Bad Boy? Chapter 19

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I woke up nice an early the next day which was surprising because I was up late last night having a nice birthday dinner with my family, it was nice and normal. Just what I wanted so I guess you could say that I am in a surprisingly good mood this morning.

My phone beeped, it was from Peyton.

To: Audrey

Hey sweet thang! Are you coming to school today? I know yesterday was tough but I'm sure today will be better! (: THE SUN WILL COME OUT TOMORROW! BET YOU BOTTOM DOLLAH THAT TOMORROW- should I keep going? Or do you get my point? xoxo.

From: Peyton

I replied quickly, worried she might electronically serenade me.

To: Peyton

Yes, I am coming but only because I'm worried you will outside my window singing the worst 100 hits of the 70's or something like that if I don't come today! See you there my little love kitten

P.s you spelt dollar wrong! You're a 16 year old white female not lil Wayne so you can't speak like that and get away with it! (: xoxo.

From: Audrey

She replied saying something about being lil Wayne's back up singer so she had full right to speak gangster, I didn't have the heart to tell her that putting a 'ah' on the end of a word doesn't make her gangster.

I got dressed and fixed my hair and skipped down the stairs and into the kitchen grabbing a piece of Damen's toast, again and his orange juice.

"Hey! get your own you thief! My god who do you think we are? The Brady Bunch? We don't share food or secrets or braid each other's chest hair and we never have or will so keep your filthy mits away from my food!" He ranted and I just rolled my eyes and continued to eat his breakfast while he watched.

"You're a weird kid Damen, I would worry about you if we hadn't had you tested when you were 3" My dad joked and ruffled Damen's hair causing him to groan some more about his personal space and human rights.

"You're happy today Audrey" Mum stated as she leaned on the bench eating her cereal, I just smiled and walked over to put my glass in the sink.

"Well yeah I guess I am, can't be moppy molly forever now can I? I think today is going to be a pretty good day so whoever gets in my way better be wearing protective gear" I joked and grabbed my school books, dumping them in my bag.

"Good thinking because it's about time you realised your name is Audrey and not Molly!" Dad joked and slapped his knee while laughing I just stared at him and shook my head, hopefully one day his jokes will be funny and not embarrassing.

"I'll be at Peyton's after school, so good day Fitzgerald's let's conquer the day with poor humour and malnourishment!" I cheered and stared at dad and Damen who was still sulking about me stealing his food and probably the fact that I made him catch the bus when I could just drive him to school.

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