He's back and he's a Bad Boy? Chapter 17

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Audrey's POV

Okay so I have been sitting on the stairs for almost an hour now alone. Because on one hand I don't know where my friends are and the one tip I know for survival is to stay in one place otherwise you might die and that tip seems to apply here and on the other hand, I don't want to risk running into Ryder. I know I said we had to talk but now I'm here I'm scared of actually talking to him because I will lose all my words.

"Hey there sweet thang!" Some perve said from next to me and sat down on the stairs with me, I scooted over towards the railing trying to put some distance between us.

"Don't touch me, don't talk me, and don’t even look at me!" I threatened and he looked at me like I was crazy, which I was.

"Whatever lady, I was just going to ask if you wanted to have some fun" He slurred as he was totally wasted, I rolled my eyes as he stood up and had to use the railings to keep himself balanced.

"Go and find some gum you smell like the rear end of a street cat!" I called after him and he just gave me the finger which I then returned ever so sweetly.

"You seem like you're having fun" Someone said from behind me, I was about to turn around and tell them where they can put it when Diego sat down, I sighed in relief knowing it was him.

"Oh hey Diego" I mumbled and twirled my ring around my finger, feeling like a loser just sitting here alone.

"Okay Chica what's on your mind?" He asked and leaned over and nudged my shoulder with his and smiled at me.

"Oh the usual, your best friend" I smiled back but it didn't quite make it all the way up. He scooted closer and put his arm around my shoulders.

"I figured, because Kye is a really great sexy piece of man" He said and grinned at me sending me a wink, I laughed and nudged him and he scooted away again.

"Not Kye you lousy Maraca!" I laughed but then grimaced at my lame come back, I didn't even know if Maraca's were Spanish.

"Ouch that really hurt" he placed his hand over his heart and stuck his bottom lip out in a cute little pout, for someone so big he really was a softy.

"Have you seen him tonight?" I mumbled, hoping he would make a joke and not get who I was really talking about.

"Yeah I have, he was looking for you" He gave me a sympathetic smile which made me feel worse, if Diego was being serious about this then there really was now way this would go away on its own.

"I don't know what to say to him" I turned to him and pulled my legs up onto the same step, leaning against the banister.

"How about just the truth, what do you really need him to know? Don't beat around the bush" He scooted closer and lifted my legs up and put them back down on his lap, for having only met Diego recently I was really comfortable around him.

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