He's back and he's Bad boy? Chapter 8

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Ryder's POV

I woke to the smell of eggs and bacon being cooked down stairs and practically jumped out of bed and ran down stairs like a 5 year old on Christmas, and saw Mum making eggs on toast with sides of bacon, my mouth was watering so I grabbed a plate and went and sat at the table and waited for my breakfast like the good boy I wasn't.

"Good morning honey! Sleep well?" Mum asked way to perky for seven o'clock in the morning, I was not a morning person so I just grunted in reply.

She raised an eyebrow at me and glared at me, Oh crap that is not her happy face "I slept great!" I replied extra happy and faked a happy smile, you do not want to upset Mama Daniels. She smiled in triumph as she got what she wanted.

She put my breakfast on my plate and sat down across from me and started eating her breakfast we ate in silence for a while. " Have you spoke to Byron recently?" she asked, Byron was my old brother, I went to live with him 3 years ago, and needless to say he is a legend when it comes to the ladies, he taught me everything I know 'Treat em' mean keep em' keen' and for the last 3 years it has worked.

"Not recently why?" I asked curious as to what brought Byron up.

"He called yesterday, he is coming to visit soon" she smiled, I know she missed Byron he lived 3 hours away and mum hardly got to see him and he could rarely pull himself away from the ladies for long enough to come visit.

"Really? That’s awesome!" I replied, I was actually really excited to see my brother, I had missed him in the last month. We got really close those last 3 years.

"Honey you better hurry up if you want to get to school on time" my mum said grabbing our plates and I gave her a kiss on the cheek and thanked her for breakfast and ran up stairs to get dressed. Yeah I’m a mummy's boy? What of it?

Rummaging through my room and not being able to find any clean clothes I just grabbed the shirt from the day before off the ground sprayed it with deodorant and grabbed a different pair of jeans and threw them on, I'm a guy I don't have time to wash clothes.

I brushed my teeth and grabbed my car keys, it took me a while since they were hidden under all the clothes in my room, but once I found them I ran down stairs taking it 3 at a time and ran past mum giving her a kiss on the cheek and ran out the door and hopped into my faded blue Chevy truck, it was a piece of tin, it was so old but I had fixed the engine up myself so she ran great but looked like shit.

As I was nearing the school something strange happened, I got this strange nauseous feeling in my stomach and my hands started to sweat and my heart picked up pace and all this started because I thought back to yesterday afternoon with Audrey and her saying yes to going on a date with me, shaking my head trying to get myself together as I parked my car.

I mentally slapped myself, pull yourself together man it's just a girl and more importantly it's Audrey Fitzgerald the girl that you're meant to hate but can't seem to stop thinking about her and smiling when someone says her name.

You don't even know anything about her except that she is a damn good kisser, and she is consistently embarrassing herself in front of you, even though she lookes adorable when she does that.

Get a grip on yourself! I mentally slapped myself again and got out of the car and began walking to my locker when some girl walked over to me what was her name again Katelyn? Brittany? Rebekah?

"Hey sexy!" she purred and she ran a hand down my chest and stopped just at the top of my pants, she was hot I guess, she was skinny with red hair and blue eyes and had a cake face for makeup.

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