He's back and hes a bad boy? Chapter 2

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Audrey’s POV

I had been walking or half running around school trying to find Ryder to set the record straight. That the past is the past and I’m not telling everyone about that night. But all I found were a bunch of girls in my grade whispering and giving me death glares when they saw me. All I heard was ".....she was such a bitch to him I was there, saw the whole thing" and ".....I would so date Ryder Daniels why would he have liked her?" I even think one girl gave the finger. Great, I think I'm going to be the one in deep shit here and not Ryder Daniels.

Finally after several death glares and a certain finger spasms from several groups of girls, I saw Ryder over sitting with Matt. G and Tyler Gears and Mikey. I had spent all this time trying to find him and not actually thinking what I should say. Should I just go right up to him and ask to speak privately? Or just say 'Hey people are bitching about me, the whole female student body want to bang you, thought you should know, bye?' or just walk away and let him think what he wants about me?

So what do I do? ... I make an idiot of myself by walking up to him and saying "Hey can I talk to you?" "Uh I guess?.." he didn’t exactly look happy to see me but, story of my life and then my mouth just starts going off and I can’t stop it.

"I just wanted to know if you knew what people were saying? you know that I’m a bitch and you're totally gorgeous and every girl wants to bang you, I mean not that I blame them because you are super hot and sexy but I just wanted you to know that I’m not the one talking about you or telling people about a certain party, if you know what I mean?" god dammit what was it about this boy that made me ramble? I don’t even know what I just said.

"Uh can you repeat the question?" he asked looking really confused

"All I got out of that was that you think I’m super hot and sexy but the rest you were talking like a chipmunk on caffeine" He smirked at me, my god that smirk was so sexy and I could only imagine what his lips felt like when they were- get a grip on yourself Audrey!

"Well I didn’t say that I thought you were super hot and sexy just that everyone else does. I just wanted you to know I'm not talking about you or anything" I said hoping that this torture will be over soon so I can go dig a hole and die in it. Why must I be such dick.

"Well you did say I was super hot and sexy I remember" he chuckled; he’s teasing me and making me blush super red.

"Well I didn’t, so you can get that out of your mind right now bucko!" I poked him in the chest trying to emphasise my point even though we both know I think he is super hot and sexy but I’m not going to willingly admit that.

"Whatever floats your boat" he smirked not letting me win this. How can someone make me so frustrated and make me want to eat their face all at the same time?

"Bite me" I scowled

"Don’t tempt me" he winked and biting his bottom lip

And with that I walked off. He really is super sexy but other than that he’s a total douchebag now.

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