31) Dan

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Okay guys. This is it. The last chapter. I'm putting the authors note at the beginning because why not? As you can see, it's from Dan's POV. It just seemed right. We started with Dan in an airport, we'll end with Dan in an airport. It's taken me a while to write this and I'm really sorry, but I've been putting it off because I don't want it to end. I love how I've developed these characters and how my writing has developed. It really makes me sad to end this because I guess I never realized how much this story has been a part of me. Now here's what I'm going to be doing after this story: I'm writing an AmazingPhil fic. It'll be on it's own, but it'll use parts from this story so it's not a necessity to read Danny Boy and Why You? before it. I've really enjoyed making something for you guys and I hope you enjoyed it with me, even if it just now started getting really popular.

I'll have an announcement up on this story when the Phil-fic is up and I think I might need help coming up with a title, so comment suggestions and I'll have a list to vote on.

Any way, thanks for joining me on this weirdly fun ride that I've had writing these two stories and I hope you'll join me for more. Hopefully I can stop crying enough to actually write this.

xoxo ~addigator.

"Hurry up!" I say pulling Addi behind me. She looks like a knock out in that skirt, and I wish I could stop and stare but we really can't be late. If we are it'll ruin my plan completely.

"Dan, will you tell me why we have to hurry?" She asks tugging on my hand.

"We... We just can't!" I say. Okay, it'll be fine. It's a ten minute walk to the restaurant and you have fifteen minutes. I slow to a walk and squeeze her hand. "Sorry, I just have something planned and I really don't want to be late."

She grins at me. "Hey, it's fine. I just thought you were really hungry."

"I am, but," I check my phone again. "Pancakes aren't that important."

She fakes a gasp. "I'm telling Phil you said pancakes weren't important!"

"If you do I won't show you my surprise!" I exclaim with a childish voice.

She pouts and gives me her puppy eyes. "Please, Danny?"

"Okay, fine. We're here anyway." I gesture to the building. It's a little cafe with yellow brick and iron tables and chairs. There's pink and white flowers growing up the side and onto the roof, and the smell of fresh bread and pastries float through the air.

"Oh my gosh. This is gorgeous." Addi breathes, her eyes wide.

I smile. "I thought you'd like it. Come on; let's sit." She nods enthusiastically and I let out a small laugh at her response.

"Good morning, sir, miss. Table for two? On the patio perhaps?" The waitress greets us. Her accent hits she's from France, which would make since because it's a French cafe.

"Yes, thank you." I say and she grins at the two of us.

She sits us near the edge of the patio, near the sidewalk and also the flowers. After we're seated she begins to speak. "On the menu today is a spinach and swiss cheese quiche with fresh fruit, strawberry crepes and cream, or any of our fresh pastries. What can I get you to drink?"

We both answer water; I get the crepes and Addi gets the quiche. "Oh, ma'am?" I call out as she begins to walk away. "I'm Dan Howell. Tell the chief and she'll know what to do. Thanks."

I look back at Addi and she's looking at me with a raised eyebrow. I shrug and she sighs. "I guess I don't get to know what that's about do I?"

I shake my head. "Nope. How have you liked Playlist?"

Why You? Sequel to Danny Boy (a Dan Howell/danisnotonfire fanfiction) *UNEDITED*Where stories live. Discover now