12) Anonymous

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So quick reminder, this story takes place in what is now early June because it's three months after DB plus Dan was in an induced coma to heal so just FYI because I had forgotten myself.

I'm meeting her today. I feel like a fangirl about to meet her favorite author or YouTuber.

I'm sat at a café, stirring my drink with my straw, when I see her.

She was stunning. She did something with her hair, I've never seen it like that.

She looks around and spots me. She smiles and waves while walking over.

"Hey, Luke!" She says while extending her hand. I stand as she does and shake it. "How've you been?"

I smile and answer quietly, suddenly shy. "Never better. You?"

She starts to answer but is interrupted by the waitress asking what she would like to drink. "Do you have iced tea? That'd be great thanks. I'm great. It's good to hear some sort of familiar accent."

Why must she be so pretty. Even though I knew I asked, "What've you been up to, being in London? Last I heard you were still in OKC."

She thinks a little bit. "I'm here visiting some of my friends, I bet you know them since you know Carrie, Dan Howell and Phil Lester? Dan got hurt so I'm helping Phil out until Dan can manage for himself. You?"

"Trying to find a different job. The one I have doesn't pay quite enough and the work conditions aren't the best."

She nods. "I feel ya. It's hard to find the combination now a days."

She really was kind. "What've you been doing besides being a nurse?"

She laughs at that. "Oh managing my YouTube channel, which has been constantly growing since my collab with Dan a couple months ago, and enjoying the break from college."

Play dumb. "You do YouTube?"

"Yeah, I love it. I mean I don't have that many subscribers but I love it for the art not the fame. But if I could get fame along the way it'd be pretty great too." She says with a half smile.

"Can I take your order?" The waitress asks us.

"I'll have half of a chicken sandwich and Greek salad. Thank you." Addi says.

"Chicken Caesar salad thanks." I say and turn my attention back to the girl in front if me. I can't believe I actually got to meet her. That was part A. Time for part B.

Why You? Sequel to Danny Boy (a Dan Howell/danisnotonfire fanfiction) *UNEDITED*Where stories live. Discover now