5) Phil

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"I'm baaaack!" Addi says bounding down the hall and hitting the glass door to the kitchen. "Ow! Who closed that?" She comes in rubbing her forehead glaring at us. I've swallowed my laughter but Dan is barely containing his.

She grabs an egg and smiles. My eyes get wide realizing what she's about to do. Dan does but only a second before it bursts in his hair.

"Hey!" He yells grabbing a fistful of flour but I stop him before he can throw it.

"That's enough!" I say. We really don't need a food fight.

Addi bursts into laughter followed by Dan and then me.


"Hey guys! So today we're going to be making chocolate cake." I say and put my hands up. I'll edit it later so that the screen shakes and it changes colors. (I hope you guys understand what I mean by this. He does it quite a lot in his videos.) "But I can't bake this thing myself!"

"Heya interweb! I bet you guys thought I'd be Dan." Addi slides into the shot. "But I'm much better than him so this video should be much more entertaining."

"Hey!" Dan says from behind the camera.

"And she can actually bake so it will be useful!" I add.

"Okay that one's true." He says with a sigh.

"So for this cake you'll need butter, coco powder, flour, sugar, salt, boiling water, buttermilk, baking soda, vanilla extract, and eggs." Addi says after she takes the camera over to the pile of ingredients.

"Proportions and recipe will be in the description incase we don't explain it well." I say with the camera back on the tripod.

"Yes and I'll put a link to the actual recipe if you want to make the frosting but we're lazy so we have this lovely tubbed frosting." Addi adds (ha I'm funny) and we're cooking.


"Okay so that's how you make a cake!" Addi says with batter in her hair and egg on her shirt.

I hold up the lopsided cake with flour on my face and coco powder in my hair making it look brown.

"I think this video was pretty successful." I say. "Except for the ingredient mishap."

"A mishap! More like a food fight. And I won. Just sayin'." She says licking some frosting off her fingers.

"Bye guys!" I say ending the video with Addi doing a hand heart.

As soon as Dan stops the camera he's on the cake.

"Daaaaan!" I whine.

"What? Come on you're going to miss the cake." He says with cake crumbs spewing out of his mouth.

"Hmm okay." I say and let's just say that cake didn't last long.


I know it's only been a day since I last updated but I couldn't help it! I know this chapter is a load of crap but ya know its kinda filler. I'm still thinking about where I want to go with this story and how directly I want to get to the climax so expect a lot of little fillers or just the character's thoughts.

Please vote and comment what you want to happen!

Oh and follow me on Twitter @/TheAddigator and subscribe to my YouTube it's addigator!


xoxo ~addigator.

Why You? Sequel to Danny Boy (a Dan Howell/danisnotonfire fanfiction) *UNEDITED*Where stories live. Discover now