29) Dan

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“Okay can we do something totally cliche?” Addi asks looking up at me. We just finished dinner and are currently walking back to the hotel because its a ‘nice night’ as Addi says. I don’t care as long as I get to spend more time with her.

I fake a gasp, “I love cliche!” 

She giggles and shoves me. “You’re such a dork.”

“Yes, I am, but,” I stop in front of her and pick her up over my shoulder. “You love me!” She giggles and squeals for me to stop because she's in a dress, and someone would think I’m abducting her. “What cliche thing did you want to do?” I ask once she's resorted to lightly hitting my back, giving up.

She sighs. “Go to the park and look at the stars.” I open my mouth but she hits my back and speaks. “Don’t make fun of me! I love stars!”

I pretend to drop her and she squeals. “Hey, stargazing is my favorite pastime.”

“Besides contemplating your existence?” She says and I can feel her smirking at me.

“I could actually drop you, you know.”

“But then who would make you chocolate chip pancakes!” She says and I laugh remembering the first time she made me breakfast; they’re still my favorite breakfast in the whole world.

“Danullll! We’re here! Put me down already!” Addi drums my back with her fists, shaking me out of the memory of our second day together. I do as she asks and chuckle when she immediately lays on the ground looking at the sky.

“What were you thinking about. I know you zoned out, I know you well enough.” She whispers as a lie beside her.

I turn my head to face her. Her eyes look amber in the moonlight, and her skin is as pale as snow. “The day after we met…” I murmur back, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

She smiles and looks up at the sky again. “Do you ever wonder what our lives would be like if you went up to someone else, or if the snowstorm wasn’t so bad?”

I just nod in response and she continues. “I mean think about it. I probably wouldn’t be doing YouTube and I would’ve ended up with a job I really didn’t like still dreaming about meeting you and Phil.”

“Yeah,” I finally speak up. “You would’ve been writing fan fictions instead of your book. I bet they wouldn’t even be that popular.”

She giggles. “You’re so mean.” Then she quiets down and continues to look at the stars, her expression getting sadder by the second.

I grab her hand. “Hey, you alright?” She just hums in answer. I decide to actually do something, I scoot towards her and pull her next to me so her head is on my shoulder. “What’s up?”

She nestles into me more and sighs before answering. “I just… My life is so great right now, and every time it get’s super great, it screws up. I mean, always.”

I look at her and still see unspoken thoughts behind her eyes. “That’s not all, A”

She shakes her head. “It might help if you talk about it.” C’mon please tell me, I think. I want to help.

It’s a while before she speaks again. “When I was little,” She pauses and I realize that she's confiding her inner thoughts. The thoughts that stay at the back of her mind and refuse to go away even when she tries her hardest, and I know the feeling. “I put so much effort into these competitions and stuff, and I would work and work and work at them… And there was always someone better than me, or people thought someone was better than me. And they would win. It’s not about the winning, trust me because I’m over that. It’s the fact that I would work my ass off and I wouldn’t even get recognized for working hard.”

I blink hard, but I don’t know what to say so I just run my hand through her hair as she continues. “My mom always said ‘Pride yourself in your effort, not the outcome’ but that’s so hard when you’re always getting pushed back. And it’s always been like this, Dan. And I’m afraid…”

She stops and I press a kiss to her forehead. “What are you afraid of?”

She takes a shaky breath and says, “I’m afraid it’s always going to be like this, in every aspect of my life. That there’s always going to be someone smarter, prettier, funnier, just overall better, and I’m going to be stuck as the second choice again, and again, and-”

“Shhhh,” I cut her off because now she crying, not sobbing, just crying. “Trust me, you’re one of the smartest and funniest and the prettiest girl I know. In my book, there’s no one better. I don’t know how people didn’t think that too.”

She wipes the black streaks from her eyes. “How did I get so lucky to meet you?”

“You’re wrong.” I say and tuck her ever stubborn waves behind her ear. “I’m the one who’s lucky.”

She giggles. “What?” I ask.

A smirk dances on her lips. “The cliches continue.”

I smile at her comment and suddenly I realize how close we are; our legs are tanged together, my arm around her waist, our noses barely touching. I suck in a breath as she begins to lean in, as do I.

We’re almost kissing and the air is filled with the sound of my ringtone. Addi jumps back and I scramble for my phone. It’s Emma. “What?” I ask probably sounding annoyed.

“I hope I didn’t interrupt something,” She giggles. “But I tried to call Addi and it went to voicemail so will you tell her something for me?”

I sigh. “Speak to her yourself.”

Addi grabs the phone and stands. She walks a few feet away to a big oak tree. Moments later, Addi returns to me and hold out her hand to help me up. Handing me my phone, she takes my hand. “Emma called to tell me that she’s sleeping in someone else’s room.”

I’m going to kill her, “Why?”

“Slumber party or something, but I want to watch a movie so we’re going to mine.”

First looking at the stars, then a heart felt talk followed by an almost kiss that was interrupted by a phone call, now going to watch a movie and hopefully cuddling? Maybe cliches are alright.


Hullo!! So this chapter was cliches and cute moments, which I usually hate BUT I felt like it was needed. Okay I dunno what is going on but I’ve gotten like 20 comments and 5 followers this week? Like y’all come over to my house we’re having a cupcake and glitter party. It’s happening.

But thank you though. I love you all. AND I NEED YOUR HALP

So I mentioned in the last chapter (? I don’t know maybe two?) that this story was maybe coming to and end and I don’t know if I want either:

A big last chapter and a sequel maybe A huge timeskip or plot twist (evil laugh) and continue in this book Or maybe 5-10 more chapters and ending this series all together with a big bang (I have a feeling this option will be least popular…)

But I do need your help and I’m writing for your enjoyment as much as mine, so please tell me what you want. And as always I’m open for suggestions for plot twists or big events! MESSAGE MEH!

Have an amazing week! 7 votes remember! 

xoxo ~addigator.

Why You? Sequel to Danny Boy (a Dan Howell/danisnotonfire fanfiction) *UNEDITED*Where stories live. Discover now