Don't You Have A Heart

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Emilie's POV
"Freedom!" I yelled. "I can still put you under house arrest and only allow Allison to visit." Dad said. "No, I may like Allison, but I want to spend time with Stiles, Scott, and Sage." I said. "I know, Sweetheart." He said. I heard a doorbell I opened it and saw Scott. "You're finally allowed to leave?" He asked. "Yep, come on." I said. We got to the hospital to visit Lydia and Grace, we saw Ms. McCall, Mr. Martin, and a sleeping Stiles. "Ohh - Just like that. No, no, you first. Me first?" Stiles said asleep. "He's been here all night."Mr. Martin asked. "He's been here all weekend." Ms. McCall said. "You're dirty." Stiles said still asleep and Scott and I lost it. The two adults looked at us. "Emilie's how are you?" She asked. "Well I didn't take any pain killers since I felt worse with them." I said. "Okay, well one of you wake him up." Ms. McCall said. I looked at my boyfriend. "You or me?" I asked. "I will." Scott said. "Good." I said. "Wake up!" Scott yelled and Stiles fell from the chairs. "What happened?" He asked. "You've stayed at this hospital all weekend?" I asked. "Yeah, I have to make sure Lydia is okay." Stiles said. "You definitely love her." I said. "I'll go get us some food to eat here." Scott said leaving. "Vending machine?" Stiles suggested to me. "Sure." I said following him, we got to one. "Paging Dr. Stateman. Dr. Stateman, please." The intercom said. Stiles was getting Reese's and they got stuck. "Seriously? Come - Just - Gah! It's not gonna work. Whoa!" Stiles said and the vending machine fell and broke. "Why did you break a vending machine?" Scott asked. "It wouldn't give us candy." I said. We heard a scream. "Lydia? Lydia!" Stiles said and ran. "What the hell was that?" Ms. McCall asked. "Lydia." I said and we ran into the hospital room and saw Grace with her ears covered and eyes closed. "Grace?" We asked. "She'll be okay, I can see it." Grace said. "See?" Scott asked. "I get visions of the future, something bad is coming, for all of us." Grace said. We were walking looking for Lydia. "All right, let's get an APB out on a 16 - year - old redhead. Any other descriptors?" We heard Dad say. "5'3, hazel eyes, fair - skinned, and her hair is actually strawberry blonde." Stiles said. "Is that right?" Dad asked. "Dead accurate." I said. "Uh - come here. What the hell are you still doing here?"Dad said pulling the three of us aside. "Um, providing moral support?" Scott tried. "Uh - huh. How 'bout you provide your asses back home, where you should be." Dad said. "Okay, we can do that too." I said. "We're gonna find her, so don't worry." Dad said. We walked past the fallen vending machine and acted like we knew nothing. "Relax I got this." Scott said showing the hospital gown."This is the one she was just wearing? I'm not gonna let anyone hurt her. Not again." Sage said. "All right, just shove the thing in your face and let's find her. Wow!" Stiles said. "What are you three doing here? Someone's gonna see us." I said seeing Isabelle, Conner, and Allison. "I don't care - she is my best friend, and we need to find her before they do." Allison said. "You?" I asked my sister and her boyfriend. "To make sure none of you get arrested." Isabelle said. "We can find her before the cops can." Scott said. "How about before my father does?" Allison said. "He knows?" Stiles asked. "Yeah. We just saw him and three other guys leave my house in two SUVs." Conner said shrugging. "Search party." I said. "It's more like a hunting party." Allison said. "Get in." Sage said and we all squeezed in the Jeep. "All right, but if they're turning, would they actually kill them?" Stiles asked concerned. "I don't know. They won't tell me anything. Okay, all they say is, We'll talk after Kate's funeral, when the others get here." Allison said. "Conner?" We all asked. "Mom doesn't trust me since I was helping Derek, and Dad is mad that I refuse to go to Kate's funeral." Conner said. "Okay, what others?" Scott asked. "We don't know, they won't tell us that yet." Conner said, "Okay, your family's got some serious communication issues to work on. Scott, Sage, are we going the right way?"Isabelle asked. "Take the next right!" Sage yelled, they're heads out the windows. We got to the Hale house. "They came here? You sure?" I said. "Yeah, this is where the scent leads." Scott said. "All right, but have Grace and Lydia ever been here?" Stiles asked. "Not with me. Maybe they came here on instinct, like they was looking for Derek." Allison said. "You mean - looking for an Alpha." Isabelle said. "Wolves need a pack, right?" Conner asked. "Not all of them." Sage said. "But would they have been drawn to an Alpha? Is it an instinct to be part of a pack?" Allison asked. "Yeah, we're - we're stronger in packs." Sage said. "Like strength in numbers." Isabelle said. "No, like - like, literally stronger, faster, better in every way." Sage said. "That the same for an Alpha?" Allison asked. "That'll make Derek stronger too." Sage said and we went to walk but Stiles held us back. "Whoa, hey, look at this. You see this? I think it's a tripwire." Stiles said. "Stiles, Millie." Scott said. "Yeah?" I asked and saw Scott hanging upside down, I laughed. "Next time you see a tripwire - don't trip it." Scott said. "Technically Stiles tripped it." I said. "Yeah, noted."Stiles said. "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Someone's coming. Hide. Go!" Sage said and hid everyone but Scott and I. We saw Mr. Argent. "Scott, Emilie?" He asked. "Mr. Argent." Scott and I both said. "How are you two doing?" He asked. "Good. You know, just hangin' out. Is this one of yours?" Scott said and Mr. Argent nodded. "It's, uh, good. Nice design. Very constricting by the looks." I said. "What are you doing out here, Scott and Emilie?" Mr. Argent asked. "Looking for our friend." I said. "Ah, that's right. Lydia is in your group now, aren't they? Part of the clique? Is that the word you use? Or is there another way to put it? Part of your pack?" Mr. Argent said. "Actually, clique sounds about right to me." Scott said.  "I hope so. 'Cause I know they're friends of Allison's, and one special circumstance, such as yourself and Sage, two, I can handle. Not four." Mr. Argent said. "No." I said. "Scott and Emilie, do you know what a hemicorporectomy is?" Mr. Argent asked. "I have a feeling we don't want to?" Scott asked. "A medical term for amputating somebody at the waist. Cutting them in half. Takes a tremendous amount of strength to cut through tissue and bone like that. Let's hope a demonstration never becomes necessary." Mr. Argent said and left and the others came out from where they were. "You okay?" Sage asked. "It's just another life - threatening conversation with your dad, Allison and Conner." Scott said. "You get used to them." Sage said. "Guys, help me with this." I said. "Thanks. But I think I got it." Scott said making his claws come out and cut the rope and grab my hand walking away. "Comin'?" I asked. We didn't find Lydia and Grace so we went home. It was the next day and I got dressed to go back to school.

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