We Can't Kill Him

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Emilie's POV
I was in the Jeep with Stiles going after Scott and Sage. "Well in other news I think Lydia will break up with me." Stiles said. "No, I can tell she loves you like Scott and I love each other." I said. "Thanks Emmy." Stiles said as we continued driving. "What do we do now?" I asked. "Holy crap." Sage said in pain after Stiles hit him. "Wha - sorry, I'm sorry. Did you see where he went?" Stiles asked. "We lost him." Scott said. "What? Neither of you couldn't catch his scent?" I asked. "I don't think he has one." Scott said. "All right, any clue where he's going?" Stiles asked. "To kill someone." Sage said. "Ah. That explains the claws, and the fangs, and all that. Good. Makes perfect sense now." I said. "Can you two be any less sarcastic?" Scott said. "What? Scott, come on. We're 147 pounds of pale skin and fragile bone, okay? Sarcasm is our only defenses." Stiles defended. "That and the taser my Dad made me keep on me." I said showing it to them. "Just help us find it." Sage said done with us. "Not it. Jackson." I said. "Yeah, I know. I - I know." Scott said getting in the Jeep with us. "All right, but does he know that? Did anybody else see him back at your house?" I asked. "I mean, I don't think so, but he already passed Derek's test anyway." Scott said. "Yeah, but that's just the thing. How did he pass the test?" Stiles said. "I don't know." Sage said. "Maybe it's like an either - or thing. I mean, Derek said that a snake can't be poisoned by its own venom, right? When's the kanima not the kanima?" I said. "When it's Jackson." Scott said. "Uh - dude. See that?" Stiles asked and we saw it crawled into the vents of a nightclub. "He's inside." Sage said. "What's he gonna do in there?" I asked. "I know who he's after." Scott said. "What, how? How? Did you smell something?" Stiles asked hopefully. "Armani." Scott said. "Aw, come on. All right, maybe there's, like, a, uh - like, a window we could climb through, or some kind of - Handle that we could rip off with supernatural strength. How'd I not think of that one?" Stiles asked and they let us in the place of the club and it was dark and full of Drag Queens. "Dude, everyone in here's a dude. I think we're in a gay club." Scott said. "Man, nothing gets past those keen werewolf senses, huh, Scott?" Stiles asked as he was being flirted with by Drag Queens. "At least you got the answer to if gay guys are attracted to you." I said smirking. We walked over to the bar. "Four beers." Stiles said. "I'll just take a sprite." I said. "Okay I need your boys IDs. How 'bout three cokes?" The bartender said after seeing Scott and Stiles were only 16. "Rum and coke? Sure. Coke's fine, actually. I'm driving anyway." Stiles said. I smirked at my brother. "That one's paid for." A waiter said, handing a coke to Scott. A man waved at at Scott and I sighed. "Oh, shut up." Stiles said to Scott. "I didn't say anything." Scott said. "So Em how does it feel for Scott to be flirted by a gay guy?" Sage asked I gave my friend the finger. "Yeah, well, your face did." Stiles said and I looked around and found Danny. "Hey, I found Danny." I said pointing. "I found Jackson." Scott said and we saw Lizard Jackson. "Get Danny." I said to to Stiles. "What're you three gonna do?" Stiles asked. "You want to fight the Doc Conners?" I asked pointing to Jackson. "I'm good." Stiles said. "We'll get Jackson." Sage and Scott said running over. "Danny! Danny!" Stiles said trying to get him. I saw Jackson started attacking and he got towards me during the hysteria of it all. I grabbed my taser and tried to tase him, he just looked confused at it did nothing and he tried to jump to kill me but Scott tackled him and knocked him unconscious. During that 911 was called and we had an unconscious Jackson in the Jeep's backseat. "What do we do with him now?" I asked Scott as we walked up to where Danny was getting loaded into an ambulance. "Danny." Scott said. "McCall and Stilinski, what are you two doing here?" Danny asked. "Just, uh, seeing if you're okay. And, um, I'm wondering if anything weird happened to you today. Besides being paralyzed from the neck down." I said to him.  "Sorry, but we need to get him to the hospital." EMT said. "One more question, just one. Are you okay?" Scott asked. "Did it happen to my ex too?" Danny asked. "Yeah." Scott and I said in unison. "Then I'm great." Danny said getting loaded into the ambulance. We got in the Jeep with Stiles, Sage, and unconscious Jackson. "Couldn't get anything out of Danny." I said. "Okay, can we just get the hell outta here now, before one of my dad's deputies sees us?" Stiles said and we saw Dad instead. "Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Could this get any worse? That was rhetorical." I said as Dad saw us four. "Get rid of him." Sage said. "Get rid of him? We're at a crime scene, and he's the sheriff." Stiles and I said. "Do something." Scott said and Stiles and I got out and went up to Dad. "Hey." We both said to him. "What're you two doing here?" Dad asked sighing. "What do you mean what are we doing here? What? It's a club. It's a club, we were clubbing, you know? At the club." Stiles said. "Not exactly your type of club." Dad said. "Yeah well Gay guys won't perv on you." I said. "Uh - well, dad - There's a conversation that we need to have." Stiles said, was he really going to try to convince Dad he's gay even though he's with Lydia? "You're not gay." Dad said rolling his eyes. "Wha - I could be." Stiles said. "Not dressed like that." Dad said. "Drag Queens find him attractive though." I said. "Well, what's - uh..." Stiles trailed off. "This is the second crime scene that you two just happened to have shown up on. And at this point, I've been fed so many lies, I'm not sure I know the kids standing in front of me. Now, what the hell is going on?" Dad said being done with Stiles and I being suspicious. "Dad, we..." I trailed off trying to think of something. "The truth, Stiles and Emilie." Dad said. "The truth, all right. Well, the truth is that we were here with Danny. Yeah, 'cause he just broke up with his boyfriend, so, you know, we were just trying to take him out and get his mind off things. That's - that's it." I said. "Well, that's really good of you guys. You're good friends." Dad said understanding. We got back in the Jeep trying to figure out where to put Jackson. "Uh, what about your house?" Stiles suggested. "Not with our mom there. We need to take him somewhere where we can hold him long enough to figure out what to do with him. Or long enough to convince him he's dangerous." Sage said. "I still say we just kill him." I said. "We can't kill him." Scott said. "God, f - Okay, okay. I got an idea." Stiles said. "Does it involve breaking the law?" Sage asked. "By now, don't you think that's a given?" I said. "I was just trying to be optimistic." Sage said. "Don't bother." We said. We got him in a police lock up truck in the woods. It was now the next day and I was dressed to head to school after Stiles or I fed Jackson.

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