8.) Quidditch

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Tatum's POV-

This week was the week quidditch would start, at Beauxbatons, I was on the L'Èquipe de L'Eau team, (water), since we didn't have houses like Hogwarts, our quidditch team were based off all the elements.

"Hey tay" Sirius greeted as he walked over to the couch, in front of the fire


"You ok?"

"Just thinking" I sent a small smile, nothing was wrong, just he interrupted a deep thought

"Ok, I have a question'


"I'M CAPTIN, PADFOOT! I'M CAPTIN!!" James shouted, running into the common room

"For Quidditch?" Sirius asked

"No, for the choir, YES QUIDDITCH!!" James yelled, still standing in the door way

"That's not- Good job Prongs"

"That's it, 'good job' wow dude." James mocked Sirius, I thought it was quite funny how the boys interact with each other

"Sorry..... GREAT JOB PRONGS I'M SO PROUD OF YOU, YO'LL DO GREAT, I KNOW YOU CAN DO THIS!!" Sirius jump off from the couch, ran to James, and jump on him

"Ok, ok, I didn't mean like that" James chuckled

"Mhm" I hummed turning back to the fire

"So, tay, are you going to try out for the team?" James asked, fleeing from Sirius and now coming over to where I am

"Yeah, actually, I played on the F'Èquipe de F'Eau team at Beauxbatons"

"That means......" James questioned

"Water, we had 4 teams based off the earth elements" they looked at me with confused looks "yeah know, Earth, fire, Water, and air?"

"Ohh" Sirius and James mumbled, leaning back in their seats.

"What position did you play?"


"Really?" James asked perking up from his seat

"Yeah? Why?"

"Well, both beater positions are free, all though I think Arthur Brown is going to try out, But so can you!'


It would be wonderful to get back into quidditch, playing back at Beauxbatons was so fun, I wonder if Caspin is going to try out?

Caspian is my brother, he to came to Hogwarts with me, from Beauxbatons. He got sorted into Slytherin, he's 2 years younger than me, I also think he's friends with Regulus, Sirius's brother

We don't get along very well, even when we were younger, i dont really talk about him, hence why nobody knows we are related

"Yeah! The keeper position, which Sirius is going to try out for, one other chaser, and the seeker position's are free"

"You play qudditch?" I asked, once James finished talking about the open positions

"Yeah, this year would be my first time playing, but I thought I'd give it a try"

"Hey, guys" Marlene said, coming over and sitting down next to James

"Hey Marlene" I said

"Are you going to try out for quidditch?" James asked, I have a feeling that that is all hes going to be talking about till quidditch is over

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