24.) The massive hangover

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Narrators POV-

"I would love to!" Tatum tried yelling over the song, 'go all the way' that was blasting threw out the common room

"really?" Andreas Hinson, a 7th year Gryffindor said with a very thick Scottish accent  

"sure! why not!" Tatum slurred, getting a little more drunk

but as she agreed to go to the dance with Andreas, Sirius was watching from behind, know he just lost the chance to ask out Tatum to the dance, out of anger and sadness he went up to the nearest girl, that being Athena Feyrer, a 6th year Gryffindor, and asking her to the dance

As most girls in Hogwarts, Athena agreed with giddiness and a bright red face

Lily stood with James, much to his surprise, and they watched the scene  fold out, both feeling horrible for their friends, seeing as they both saw that Sirius and Tatum feelings towards each other 

"ya know, He was going to ask her to the dance"

"really" Lily said, her voice filled with sympathy and sadness for her friend 

"yeah, he even went to get the flowers the other day, he also knew she didn't like all the attention, he was going to ask at the black lake to"

"aww, that would have been so cute, she is head over heels for him, she would have said yes, but do you think Sirius is drunk to?"

"I am sure they will end up together at some point, and no, I mean he loves his fire whisky, but I know he has probably had one cup tonight"

Lily didn't reply, she just stared at her friends with sadness, know that Tatum wouldn't be going to the dance with Sirius and vice versa

"heeey Lils!!" Tatum said 

"hey tay, want to have a sleep over!"


"ok, lets go!"

"right now?" James whispered to Lily

"I just want her to go to bed, but I know sh wouldn't if I just asked if she wanted to"

"ah, I see"

"tay, lets go to your dorm!"

"yes lets, I like my dorm"

"ok" Lily chuckled at Tatum's toddler tendencies 


"Bloody hell" Tatum mumbled and held her head as she sat up from bed

She tried to stand up from her bed, but unsuccessful and fell back

She morphed into a dog, thinking it would help, but she was wrong, matter of fact, it was way worse

"wow" She said, and laid back in her bed

after a good 10 minutes, she felt the urge to go to the bathroom 

"oh boy"

She went to stand up, but her legs felt like jelly and just clasped onto the floor 

with fear of standing up, she just laid on the floor, until she heard a knock on the door 


"can I come in?"

"sure, but I am on the floor"

Tatum heard a laugh and then the door open to revel Remus  

"bloody hell, I thought you were kidding" he laughed 

"no you didn't"

"no, i didn't, but why are you on the floor?"

"results from last night" she motioned to herself, Remus chuckled a bit

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