21.) potions

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A/n- 3/3/21
A quick a/n because I am so thankful for 227 (at the moment) reads! When I started I didn't real think it was going to go anywhere and I was writing for fun, but thank you so much!! I also didn't think that i was able to write more then 10 chapters (bc of not knowing what to write) but here we are at chapter 21!! To me that is such a big achievement, I hope you guys are enjoying 'the heart of Black' so far, if you have any suggestions feel free to let me know! Thanks again. -Q

Tatums POV-

"You have been awfully quite, what's up?" I asked as Sirius and I were half way up o the castle

"Just thinking"


"That information is classified" he smirked

"Oh my Godric" i sighed and shock my head "what classes do you have today?"

"I think, Charms, potions and double transfiguration, don't we have the same schedule?"

"Sorry, just trying to start a conversation" I laughed, i was true Sirius and I had a l most identical secludes

"Ok" he laughed " you excited for the game?"

"Thats in 5 days right?"

"No, it is in 2 days"

"It is! Oh Merlin, how did I not know that?"

"You know what else is in 2 days?" Sirius smirked

"What? The final game?"

"Well yes, but, you know the race we have going on"


"Our scores are tied, so tomorrow we will have a loser"

"Oh right!! Oh that loser is so going to be you"

"We will see"


"We're have you guys been!!" Lily exclaimed when Sirius and i walked into the common room

"Ha ha, funny story, when-"

"And the story is for another time" Sirius but me off, i sent him a look while he sat down next to James in the common room

Lily looked at me and i nodded my head, signifying that i would most definitely tell her later

"Fine don't tell us, but Lils and i have to go to Herbology, see you guys in charms" James said and got off the couch

"See ya" Sirius and i said, when they walked out I turned to Sirius

"Since when is it 'Lils' and not 'Lily-flower', 'Lily-pad' even 'my dearest darling love'?"

"I talked to him the other night, and lets just say that they will be together before next year" Sirius smirked

I shook my head and walked over to the stairs to go up to my dorm and change

I made it to my dorm, and took a quick shower

Whilst washing my hair, I heard a knock from my door


"Can I come in?" Someone said

"Who is it?"


"Peter?" I mumbled "can you wait 10 minutes, I am a little bust right now"

"Yeah, ok" He said, I didn't hear his footsteps walking away so I am guessing he is right outside my dorm

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