Part 10 - Jeno

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"Now you owe me one." She smiles a little and goes to the door, opens it and steps inside. I turn my head to look at the view of Seoul. I then get up, and go after her. I go inside, and bolt down the stairs, but I stop half way down hearing Jaehyun talk to her.

"Let me at least get you ice cream," I hear Jaehyun say to her. My stomach drops.

"Okay dimples, ice cream it is," I hear her respond. I feel defeated. I look at my hands, then back up. No, I'm not giving up that easy. Once I hear them leave, I run the rest of the way and go outside. I follow a safe distance behind them. I watch as they talk and laugh. A new found rage filling me. They turn a corner and I follow, watching them go to an ice cream shop. I stand next to a wall and wait for them to finish. Once they did, I follow behind them again. I hear them talk.

"Where are we going?" Kacey asks him

"To the park," Jaehyun says cooly, I cringe "There are super pretty lights." The park. I keep following behind them, then get an idea. I take a different path and jog it, hoping to make it to the park before them. By the time I get to the park, I am out of breath and sweating. I sit down on a bench trying to catch my breath. I look up, holding my chest, seeing them walk into the park. I quickly grab out my phone and act like I've been here the entire time.

"Jeno?" Kacey calls. I look up and around, acting like I don't see her. "Jeno!" Kacey calls again and this time I look over at her.

"Oh hey Kacey, what are you doing here?" I stand up to greet her. She runs up to me, beaming. I see she ate all of her ice cream.

"I'm hanging out with Jaehyun, we got ice cream," She says pointing to Jaehyun who was waiting by a tree. I frown.

"Why isn't he coming over here?" I ask her

"I don't know but," She shrugs and takes me hand. "Come hang out with us!" I look down at her hand then back at her, heart racing. We go up to Jaehyun and he looks at me with annoyance.

"Is he joining us?" Jaehyun asks coldly.

"Yes," Kacey responds and tugs on my arm.

"What if he fucks something up again?" Jaehyun looks at me, fire burning in his eyes.

"Jaehyun," Kacey says sternly. "Stop."

"No! He ruined a perfectly good night for us, and now he is back to do it again!" Jaehyun scoffs and turns around. "I don't want to deal with him."

"Jaehyun," Kacey calls as Jaehyun walks away. "Jaehyun!" but it was too late, he was already gone. Kacey turns and looks at me, confused and sad all in one. "What is his deal?"

"I have no idea," I take a breath. "But remember that favor you owe me?" Kacey nods and grins at me.

"Have something in mind?"

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