Part 17 - Kacey

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I walk down the hall of the fourth floor, holding Jaehyuns jacket, I need to return it. I smile down at it and remember how he slipped it on me so gently. I look up as I'm reaching his room and see Jeno storm out. "Je-" I start then stop hearing yelling from in the room. I go inside and see Jaehyun on the floor bleeding. "What the hell?" I run inside and go up tot Jungwoo and Jaehyun.

"Kacey," Jaehyun smiles at me. "You're here~" His words slur.

"Is he drunk?" I ask, helping Jungwoo get him off of the floor.

"Very," Jungwoo helps me get him on the bed. "He got in a fight," He says after grabbing some tissues and wiping blood off of Jaehyuns face.

"A fight? With who?" I go into the bathroom and grab a cloth, getting it wet.

"Jeno, mean little bastard!" I hear Jaehyun call from his bed. I freeze. Jeno? No.. really? I walk out of the bathroom and go back to him. I clean off his face and wounds.

"Drink some water, please," I say to Jaehyun, handing him the bottle. Jaehyun sits up, and scoots closer to me. He leans in, moving hair from my face. He leans in more like he was about to kiss me. I freeze, then push him back. "Whoa there, I am not water," I say and put the bottle to his lips. I unscrew the bottle and push it more on his mouth. He tilts his head back and opens. I sigh, and gently pour water into his mouth. He gulps and smiles, opening his mouth again. I look at Jungwoo who laughs.

"I'm going to go get some ointment and band-aids, I'll be back," Jungwoo says and walks out. I turn back to Jaehyun and pour more water in his mouth. It seems like he is starting to sober up.

"Jaehyun?" I ask gently, he takes the bottle and starts drinking some water. He looks at me. I sigh and take out my phone. I call Jeno. He doesn't answer. I set my phone on my leg and start shaking my leg. I look back at Jaehyun, he was still looking at me. "Never mind, here." I take the bottle and set it on the night stand. "Lay down," He nods and does so. I sigh and hold my head in my hands, I just don't want to think that Jeno did this. Jaehyun was clearly drunk, what happened that made Jeno do this? I feel my phone vibrate. I pick it up and see Jeno calling.
"You're a jerk." I say to him when he answers. He was silent. I continue, anger in my body. "He was drunk Jeno and you beat him up? What the fuck is wrong with you!" I yell.

"Be quiet please," I hear jaehyun whisper. I look over at him. I feel so much anger and pain. Jeno was still quiet.

"Whatever," I say in a huff then hang up. I look at Jaehyun who groans and rolls over, his back to me. I set my phone on the bed and get up. I walk to the other side of the bed and sit down on to the bed. Looking at him. "Jaehyun?" I say his name, and watch his eyes open and look at me.

"Hm?" He shuts one eye, looking at me.

"What happened?" I asked quietly, moving hair from his forehead.

"I said some mean stuff to Jeno," He whispers. I move my hand from his face. "And then he said some stuff back, and I punched him." He shuts his eyes. "He punched me back." I set me hands in my lap.

"So he didn't start this?" I asked quietly. "You did?"

"Yes," He sighs and rolls over again, putting his back to me. "And I'm starting to sober up, and I regret it." I couldn't think straight. I called Jeno being mad at him thinking he started all of this. They are both to blame, but Jaehyun threw the first punch. I get up, walk over to Jaehyun. I bend down and kiss his forehead.

"Jungwoo will be back, we will talk tomorrow." I grab my phone and walk out of the room. I pick up my pace until I was at full speed. I ran to my room and stop, seeing rose petals on the ground. I cock my head in confusion, then shrug and open the door. I take off my heels and change them. I put on my running shoes, and bolt out. I run past Jaemin and Nicole.

"Whoa whoa," Nicole grabs my arm and stops me. "Whats the rush?"

"Where is Jeno?" I say catching my breath.

"On the roof, that's where he goes when he's upset. wh-" Jaemin doesn't finish. I start running to the stairs and bolt up them. Trying not to die. I had to go up six flights of stairs. Once I get to the fourth set I heave, almost throwing up. I hate that I just assumed. I can't lose my friendship with Jeno. I shake off the sick feeling and run more. I keep going until my legs nearly fall off. I see the entrance to the roof. I swing it open and look around. I see Jeno sitting down in the gravel, head in hands. I run to him, and fall on my knees. Gagging.

"Kacey what the-" Jeno starts but I tackle him in a hug, pushing us both to the ground.

"I'm sorry," I say still very out of breath. "I'm sorry I said those things, I know now you didn't start the fight," I whisper and take a deep breath, coughing. Jeno didn't put his arms around me. He just laid there. I listen to his heart beat. Then I feel his hands on my back. 

"It's okay," He says with a voice crack. "You didn't know. I still said things I probably should not have to him," Jeno sighs.

"We can talk about that later. I'm glad you aren't upset," I say, but I feel him exhale a breath that seemed like he was holding.

"I'm not upset now," He says quietly. I nod and just let the warmth of his body over take me. My heart was pounding. I was feeling very safe in his arms. I haven't felt this safe since.. Jaehyun. I wipe my running nose then sit up. Jeno sits up too. "Did you run all the way up here? Yanno there are elevators.." Jeno laughs a bit. I laugh weakly and hold my side.

"Yeah," I shake my head. "I needed to make sure I didn't hurt you." I say and look over at him. He nods, not looking at me.

"How is Jaehyun?" Jeno asks.

"He doesn't matter right now, let's focus on you." I whisper and reach for his hand.

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