Part 34 - Kacey

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Time Skip - 2 days

"An elephant?" Makayla asks me, I nod a bit and take a bite of the food in front of me.

"And I can heat it up to make it warm for my stomach," I nod with a smile. We are sitting in a cafe eating lunch, now that I'm nearly fully healed, I've been out and about.

"That's so cute," Makayla laughs and takes a sip of her coffee.

"I know," I lean back a bit. "He wants to take me to the park tomorrow."

"As a date?" Makayla raises her eyebrows. "No," I shake my head. "He doesn't have feelings for me like that," I sigh, Makayla just stares at me. "I'm trying to lose my feelings for him. So maybe if I confess to him at the park, he will reject me."

"Confess to who?" Jeno asks, Jeno and Mark just walked in.

"No one," I cough and stare at Makayla, giving her the 'help' look.

"She's just talking about a scene in a drama she saw," Makayla moves over on her side of the booth so Mark can sit down by her, I move over too, Jeno sits down next to me. "And one the guys was talking about confessing so that if he gets rejected he can move."

"Ah," Jeno reaches and steals a fry off of my plate.

"Hey!" I nudge him. He laughs a bit and nudges me back.

"So why did you guys come here?" Makayla laughs a bit, giving Mark some of her food.

"We got bored and went for a walk, then saw you guys in the window," Jeno nods. Mark stares at him, giving him a weird look. I laugh a bit and shake my head.

"No Jeno wanted to see- OW," Laugh rubs his leg.

"I wanted to see what food they have here," Jeno clears his throat. I nod and slide over the paper menu. I take another bite of my sandwich and look at Jeno, chewing my food, then going to say something, but Jeno takes a napkin and wipes the side of my face. I feel my cheeks heat up. I grab the napkin and finish wiping my face.

"Thanks," I say quietly and look away from him. I grab my water and take a drink, then choking. I hide my face as I cough. Makayla laughs a bit. I feel Jeno's hand pat my back. I freak out more and shake him off. "Bathroom," I cough. Jeno furrows his brows.

"What?" He asks.

"I have to use the bathroom," I cough again. "Please move." Jeno nods and slides out of the booth. I slide out and nearly run to the bathroom. I swing open the door making the old lady at the sink jump. "Sorry," I bow and go into a stall. I shut and lock the door. I sit down on the toilet and hold my head in my hands. If I can't be normal around him while other people are there how am I supposed to be normal alone with him? "Fucking hell," I whisper.

"Language," The old lady hums. I lift my head up and groan. When I hear her leave, I open the stall door and go to the sink. I stare at myself in the mirror. I sigh a bit and roll up my sleeves, then see the self harm scars. I look back at myself and blink. Jaehyun saw them, he held me while I cried about my past, but a huge part of me wished that was with Jeno. Maybe instead of confessing I can tell him about my past? I shake my head. I wash my hands, then roll down my sleeves. I open the door and go back to the table. Jeno moves and lets me slide in. I sit down and sit close to the wall.

"How are you feeling today?" Jeno asks me as Makayla and Mark are talking about something among themselves.

"I feel great actually," I nod and glance at him, he's staring at me.

"Do you wanna go to the park today then? Instead of tomorrow?" He smiles a bit. I chew the inside of my cheek.

"No," He furrows his brows. "I mean yes, uh yes I would love to." I nod and pick at my food, my nerves are through the roof.

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