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-As I ran my hands through the blades of grass, my body began to lift off of the ground. I looked above to see several birds with long ropes tied to their feet flying towards the sky and bringing me with them. Layers of feathers passed me as we got higher. Everything looked so small. As we flew higher I could feel my lips becoming  sealed by the air around me. I looked up and saw one of the ropes above start to fray. I looked back down at the Earth below and began coming to terms with my fate. The first rope snapped and my left arm went limp in the sky. One by one the rest of the ropes followed and the birds continued to fly even faster now my weight wasn't pulling them down-

Her body was weightless as she plummeted to the ground.
Her olive skin glistened beneath the sun, and her auburn hair was twisted into knots and lay beside her body. Her eyes opened. There was a silver dagger placed between her hands. The red gemstone within it shone furiously beneath her finger tips. She batted her eyelids as she turned her head. It was empty. She picked herself up and began spinning on her feet. Her right sleeve was rolled up and there, upon her darling skin was a tattoo, it spelt out Anndrette.

The wind rustled through her hair as she plumped her shelled lips and grinned, showing off her gummy smile to the absence of people. She began trembling through the grass and stood upon a rock as she stared into the distance. She heard the trickling of water dripping onto the stone ahead. She wandered over and saw a young girl laying within the caves chamber. She walked in; her toes, colder now then the stone she had once stood upon. The walls stood high and you could see the shadows of the sun playing tricks on the trees. A girl staring up at the caved roof rocking on her feet. There was water running down the walls and flowing into a stream. It crashed and hit the rock at the bottom but the girl lay untouched, not a single drop of water upon her skin. Anndrette bent over her curiously and squinted her eyes. She placed her hands behind her back and stood upright. Her eyes opened. She gasped deeply only to fall back into her sleep. Around her neck was a black pendant carved into the shape of a dragon. Its eyes were a cobalt blue and glistened as the sun caught it. She again wore a white tunic that wrapped around her slim body. She had coal black hair and double eyelids that concealed her gorgeous stygian eyes.

Suddenly she shot up out of her sleep and looked around wondrously. She stood up and stumbled backwards. Andrette caught her by her right arm and rolled up her sleeve. 'Akira' just like Andrette, she too had a tattoo.

Akira backed away and began to run, she hurdled over rocks and streams of water. She spun in and out of trees, her feet grazing the grass with each step. The wind battled with her hair as it flew behind her.

"Hey!" Andrette followed her. She jumped across cold rock, cutting her feet. She pulled a despairing face and fell to her knees. She breathed heavily. Her chest pounded. She looked up and saw another girl, hidden within the blanket of lavender. Her face was slim and tanned, her heavy eyes shut and her flaxon hair made her adorn in the flowers. Her white tunic was too wrapped around her and she had flowers of all kinds ravelled upon her arms and up through her hair. She too had a necklace, this time it was golden with a cherry blossom imprinted on both sides.

Andrette kneeled beside her and whispered in her ear "sveglia" she repeated "sveglia" the girl awoke. Her eyes fluttered open as the wind brushed her hair over her lips. "Hello," Anndrette welcomed her. But the girl didn't speak. "Hello, Can you hear me?" She nodded and began to shuffle away. "can i see your arm?" Andrette rolled up her sleeve. 'Amora'

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