"c"mon, this way" Marcus grabbed Amora and was gesturing us inside. We all waked in and the door slammed shut behind us. He had brought us to a room. But this one was different. It was dark so i couldn't see much but it was cold and I could feel the absence of furniture through a strong breeze that traveled down my spine. He huddled us all into a corner and said "now listen carefully because if this is really the offshore then we are in trouble got it?" We all nodded and he went back to his speech. "i was brought to the offshore many years ago were they did all kinds of crazy tests on me, but it wasn't just me. Many other kids were there being tested on just like i was. Everyday new kids would show up and many kids would disappear. When i got older made a friend, his name was endymion. Me and him planned to escape and so we did. We ran. We ran so far they couldn't see us. And for months we within dusty cave walls barely surviving, but we did. One day a man found us and took us in as two of his own. He had a daughter. Marvella. She was pretty. But soon the offshore found us again and took the man and Endymion. Marbella and I escaped and we found an old city that we lived and fed off of, until i woke up on morning and the was gone. I never saw any of them three again. I lived alone. If the offshore wanted some kids and an old man that badly, chances are we are very valuable and we need to leave, we might never get another chance like this again" Dazed we all agreed and me, Amora and Akira all broke off from the hurd, but the boy stayed there. The boy looked down and then straight back up again. He slowly lifted up his sleeve and there is was, imprinted below his left shoulder was the name Endymion. Was he the boy Marcus was on about?

Marcus looked happy and confused all at the same time then they shook hands. I couldn't see much more as Akira had dragged me across the room to find the door we had entered through. I pressed my hands upon the cold walls and dragged them along it. Up and down, left to right but still no sign on the door. We searched every wall twice but still, we could'nt find it. I felt like i was being tricked or i was hallucinating. How did we enter this room with no door to go through. Soon, the boys joined us and we are running our fingers up and down the walls. We looked like idiots. Suddenly the lights turned on and there it was a door. It was weird as i knew i had check that wall once or twice before. It opened. Nobody came out of it, it just opened. We all walked our and turned a corner and there she was. The girl with the book. She was hurrying down the halls with her book gripped tightly in her hands and pushing her glasses backup onto her petite nose.

I heard footsteps behind me, they seemed to be growing nearer and nearer. I pivoted my body round and they were all gone, Marcus, Amora, Akira and the boy had vanished. However the footsteps carried on. I followed the girl round the corner and down a rather large hallways. All of the halls in this place seems to be small, dark and thin. But this one wasn't. This hall (unlike any other) was tall and grand. The walls stood high and proud and the ceiling looked about a billion miles away. I stopped for a minute to admire it when i heard the footsteps again. Behind me i saw a group of boys running furiously down the hall and towards the room i had just come from. I looked around wondrously contemplating weather i should follow them or not. But i did. I ran towards them tripping over my own feet in a hurry. I turned the corner to where the door had just been. But it was gone. A dead end. No more doors, no more halls. Just three concrete walls surrounding me. Where did they go? I pressed my back against the wall as i slide down it. Thudding onto the ground as i fell. I placed my head in my hands and sighed. Everyone has vanished.

Suddenly i could feel a warm breath on my neck behind me. My head shot up and i turned around. The door had reappeared and there was Marcus crouched down behind me with his hand out-stretched towards me. "Marcus?"
He grabbed my hand and pulled me up. "everyones gone anne, we have to go" his face was cold and stiff. His eyes were huge and his moth was wide open as he struggled to breathe. We began running, fast. It was weird. Hallways and doors that i had never seen before were suddenly appearing and disappearing the next second. Every turn we took it all looked the same. Long and skinny hallways with a metal door at the end. It felt like we had been running for hours when we finally came to a holt and opened our final door.

We were outside.

The wind was rushing through the sand making it swear up and throw itself at everything in its path. I grabbed my scarf and used it to cover my face. I spend a gap and saw a truck. It was our truck. The one from before, where we met Marcus. Inside was the boy and the two girls. Marcus grabbed my hand again and helped me into the trailer part of the truck. He threw me a gun and told me to stay low. We are about to go when four more figures came dashing out from the still open door. Three boys and one girl. I squinted and the figures became clearer. It was the girl with the book still fixing her glasses. Followed by a tall boy with jet black hair and adorn freckles all over his face and arms. And behind him came a more muscular blonde boy who stood proudly next to a shorter boy who had brunette hair and maroon eyes. They were running towards us, they feet sinking into the sand with each step. They came closer and closer. Suddenly one of the boys pointed at our truck. They all turned to face us and started to run. They carried guns and had belts with pistols and bullets attached.

"HOLD UP" Marcus had signaled the boy to stop who was now squinting at the figures.
Suddenly 3 more doors appeared and out came an army of men, all dressed the same. In black army suites and black helmets. They all marched towards us, sand flicking up from their heels as they ran. Marcus slapped the side of the truck and the boy started to drive. 'COME ON, YOU CAN MAKE IT" Marcus was screaming to the group of people while holing his hand high above his head, waving it. The truck jolted forwards then began digging its way through the sand and forwards. The figures were running even faster now, the army not far behind. Bullets were being shot from every direction, bouncing off of the steal plates that protected the trucks sides. "COME ON!!!" Marcus had braved the shower of bullets and had his hand out of the truck reaching for the girl with the book. "ARGH" Marcus had pulled her up and into the back of the truck. I covered her head with an old blanket as she tucked herself into a corner. "ARGH" he had pulled up two more. blonde and brunette. The last boy had jumped in round the back and was covering me and the girl with his enormous arms, tucking his own head deep within the truck.

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