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The girls room looked more expensive, there were guns of all sorts hidden behind a glass casing, even crossbows and riffles. Hand grenades were sealed in bulky black boxes and stored upon a high up shelf. All the shelfs had bright lights under them to provide light to the shelf below. In the middle there were blue lockers that had our numbers on, again all were taken, all but three. 064, 062 and 065. Our gear was different to the boys. Ours had bulletproof vests and scarves, there were backpacks and belts with knives and some with daggers.

We all went over and gazed at our kit. "Better, don't you think?" said the man. Well it was kind of. The weapons certainly but the outfit...I grabbed my belt and weaved it into my trousers, i walked over to the glass casings and placed my hand upon the screen. Once again i said '064' suddenly the glass vanished and shelf by shelf the trays flew open. I grabbed a few things. Behind me Amora and Akira were tightening their vests, buckling their belts and tying their hair. I opened the top shelf and something caught my eye. A large silver dagger with dragon scales carved onto the handle. Its center hid a glowing carmine jewel that glistened beneath the artificial lights. I grabbed it and placed it at the front of my belt.

"Andrette, Amora look!"
There was another room, this one you entered by an archway. It was grand and stood tall. We all walked in and looked around. Massive floor to ceiling mirrors with black bulbs hanging either side of it. This room was dark and it's only source of good light came from the weapon room. Akira put her hand on the pad and said her number. The concrete walls split open and protruded more shelfs. Scarfs, hats, jackets and shoes. There was one drawer labeled 'jewellery' but everything was gone. All but one. Amora picked it up. It was gold with a long chain, either side of it was a blossom tree imprinted perfectly. "woah, it's beautiful" She clipped it perfectly round her neck as it fell and hung beneath her chin. She placed her hands out and twirled. She fell back onto both feet and edged over to the mirror.

Hiraethजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें